Part 1/2 Section 4

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The next day, Russia is lying in bed when there's a knock at his door. He sits up, shuffling to go and answer the door, even though he doesn't feel like getting up.

He's surprised when America is there, with a board game in his hands, and England standing behind him. Russia stands there for a moment, before opening the door wider and inviting the two countries in. "I'm sorry for the mess.." Russia says quietly. America waves off the apology.

"It's no biggie!" America says. "Right, Iggy?" England glares at America, but nods. Russia smiles a little.

"You'll tell me what is in your hands, America, da?" Russia asks America casually. America seems to remember about the boardgame in his hands, and he nods quickly. "Right! This is monopoly, haha. I thought you me and Iggy could play it for a while." Russia looks confused, so America explains the game.

Then, the three play, eventually ending with England winning. England has to go, again, and America decides it'd be best to follow suite. So, America gives Russia his phone number, and leaves with England. Russia is left smiling. A real smile, for the first time in so long..

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