Part 2/2 Section 3

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In about ten minutes, Russia is knocking on America's door. America throws open the door, hugging Russia tightly. "Heya, dude! Welcome back to my home! I figured to change things up a bit and invite you over again instead of going to your place. Ya'know?" Russia nods, smiling. He smiles a lot more, too.

"Anyway," America says. "Come on, sit down. We're going to get started right away! I already have what I want guessed in my head. So, start asking! It's the same rules as last time." America had even gone so far as to get the same alcohol that was drunk last time.

Russia sat down, looking directly at America. His first question is, "Is it physical?" America grins, shaking his head. Russia takes the first shot of alcohol.

"It is an emotion then, da?" America nods, counting that as his second question and taking a shot.

"Do other people feel it?" America nods again, taking another shot.

Russia stops and thinks again. "Is it a bad feeling?" America shakes his head a bit. Russia takes a shot.

"Do you feel it towards a group of people?" America shakes his head. "Not normally, no." Russia takes another shot.

Russia asks his sixth question, "Do you feel it towards a female?" America shakes his head. There were only so many female countries, but humans were another story. Russia takes a third shot.

"So, you feel this emotion towards a male, then, da? America nods, and takes a shot.

"Is he someone you hang out with a lot?" America nods again, taking a second shot.

"Is this emotion strong?" Russia asks, just out of curiosity. America nods, taking a third shot.

"Question ten, Do you think about this feeling and person a lot?" America sighs in exasperation, taking another shot.

"Is the feeling hatred?" Russia asks suddenly. America shakes his head vigorously, so Russia takes a shot.

"Is the male you feel this strong emotion towards related to you?" America shakes his head again. Russia takes another shot.

"Is the emotion love, possibly?" America nods, taking a shot.

"Do you love this male platonically?" America shakes his head, so Russia takes a shot.

"Fifteenth question, is the male blonde?" America nods, taking a shot.

"Is he England?" America shakes his head. Russia blushes a bit, having his next question in mind, but scared to ask. He takes a deep breath.

"Is he.. Me..?" Russia looks away, not seeing America as he nods, but hearing as the alcohol is poured into the shot glass. He looks up quickly, watching as America downs the alcohol in one go. America sets down the shot glass, grinning madly.

"Are you.. Are you in love with me..?" Russia asks, bright red. America grins widely. "Looks like you won, Russia!" Russia looks down at his lap.

"But.. How..? I'm a big, scary country... Sure, you're my friend, and don't get me wrong, the feelings are mutual.. But.. How?" Russia mumbles something about thinking America liked England.

America gets up, sitting next to Russia and hugging him. "I've loved you for a while, Russia. You're amazing, you know? Besides, what's cooler than having a big scary boyfriend to protect the hero once in a while? Haha, that is.. If you'll say yes to going out with me.." America looks up at Russia.

Russia smiles a little, "I said the feelings are mutual. You know what the definition of mutual is, da?" America nods, "The same.. The feelings are.. the same.." America looks up with a wide smile, "So you'll go out with me?" Russia sighs in exasperation, nodding. "I'll go out with you, da."

America fist-pumps the air and shouts, "YES!" He hugs Russia again, and this time, Russia wraps his arms around the America in return.

Russia looks at the clock. "There is still a lot of time in the day. You will invite England and Canada, da?" America looks up at Russia and nods. "Sure, dude!"

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