Part 1/2 Section 3

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An hour or two of casual conversation goes by, and then England has to go. "Okay, dude! Seeya later!" America says. "Good bye." Russia says, smiling politely.

"Alright!" America says. "Now, how about those drinks I promised you?" He gets up, leaving Russia to wait while America gets a few bottles of different types of alcohol and two shot glasses. When America returns, he's grinning widely.

"How about we play a game? Spice things up a bit, okay?" America asks. Russia nods, agreeing. "What game will we play?" Russia asks. America stops and thinks for a moment. "How about 20 Questions?" Russia tilts his head a little. "How do I play?" Russia asks innocently.

America looks at Russia incredulously. "You don't know how to play?!" He asks. Russia shakes his head. "I'm not exactly included in many things, you know." Russia says. America nods. "Right, sorry."

America begins the explanation. "Okay, so, I'm going to ask you 20 questions, hence the name, about something you're thinking about. It has to be a yes or no question, and you can't lie about your response. Our twist with the alcohol will be that if you say no, I have to take a shot of alcohol. If you say yes to my question, you have to take a shot. Got it?" Russia thinks for a moment, then he nods. "Okay. We'll play." Russia says, thinking about what he wants America to guess.

Before he has the chance to think about it, though, America asks his first question. "Okay. Is it something you have on your body in a physical manner?" Russia thinks for a moment, then shakes his head. America sighs, taking the first shot of alcohol.

"Is it something other people have?" America asks, shivering slightly as the alcohol settles. Russia nods, taking a shot without hesitance. America nods.

"Is it a good thing?" America asks as his third question. Russia shakes his head. "I don't think so." Russia says. America frowns, taking another shot.

America's fourth question is, "Is it caused by outsiders?" Russia nods, and he takes another shot. America is deep in thought, now.

America asks, "Does it have anything to do with war?" Russia thinks for a moment. There was something named after it because of a war.. But... His topic is not caused by a war, so Russia shakes his head. America curses under his breath, taking another shot.

"Does it occur after something major happens?" America tilts his head. He waits for Russia, who thinks for a moment. It can... So Russia nods, and takes a shot.

As his seventh question, America asks, "Does it have anything to do with an emotion?" Russia nods again, taking another shot.

"Is it a response or reaction?" Russia thinks about the meaning of the question. He assumes America means something like lashing out, or hurting someone, so Russia shakes his head. America takes a shot.

America can feel the effects of the alcohol, but Russia hardly seems bothered. That's to be expected. "Is it.. Is it a mental illness or disorder..?" America asks slowly. Russia looks down at his lap, nodding slightly. Russia takes a shot.

"Is it bi-polar disorder?" America asks. Russia shakes his head, so America takes a shot. America thinks of more things he's seen around.

"How about Schizophrenia?" America seems to forget that this disorder is related to an emotion. Russia shakes his head again, and America takes another shot.

"Twelfth question... Does it have anything to do with anger?" America asks. Russia shakes his head, so America takes a third shot. He's getting frustrated, now.

"How about fear?" America asks uncertainly. Russia nods, slowly, taking a shot himself.

"Does it have anything to do with the fear that others have of you?" America narrows his eyes as Russia nods again, taking another shot.

"Fifteenth question... Does it involve sadness?" America is becoming increasingly concerned as Russia nods, taking a third shot.

"The sadness of others?" Russia shakes his head at America's question, so America takes a shot.

"Is it often on your mind?" America asks. Russia nods, and takes another shot.

"Do you feel like you can't get out of it?" Russia takes another shot, not bothering to answer with a head movement.

"Is it.." America trails off. "Do you have.. Depression..?" Russia looks up at America, finally, tears welling in his eyes. Russia nods slightly, going to take another shot, but America stops him.

"That's it, Ivan. The game is done. You don't self harm, do you?" Russia shakes his head slowly. America stands, moving to sit beside Russia and hug him. "I'm sorry," America says. "For whatever caused this. It was the other countries, and people, wasn't it?" America ignores the fact that he won since he guessed his thoughts in under 20 questions. Russia nods slightly.

America sighs softly. "I'll be your friend, Ivan. I'll talk to you whenever you want, okay? Even if everyone else remains afraid, I'll be here. Don't you worry about a thing!" America says. Russia nods.

"I must go.." Russia says quietly. America looks at Russia uncertainly, letting the bigger country go. "You'll be okay, right?" Russia looks at America with a smile. "Da. I'll be okay."

Russia thanks America for inviting him over, and then he leaves. America watches until the door is shut, frowning. He felt his heart shatter in sympathy for Russia.

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