chapter 2

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  *stiles pov*
     When Scott and me entered Derek's loft, the whole pack was there.  You could probably hear a penny drop, with how quiet it got.  I glared at Alison when I entered.

I ignored their curious stares. I knew they had questions like 'why didn't you tell us at all?' or 'Why only Scott gets to know?' And for that question, I think the answer would be obvious he is my best friend. But they're probably thinking of some other kind of questions but I decided to ignore them all.  I went to sit on the stairs that lead to the second level of the loft.

"Where's Derek?" I finally ask. They remained silent until Scott asked them. Huh. So that's how they're gonna be. The pack only groaned but didn't answer neither of us. If they didn't talk, then they can at least listen.

"So that's how it's going to be from now on!?
Just because I like the same gender!?
I bet Lydia is happy I'm not pinning after her!"
That's when the pack started speaking loudly and walking towards me.
"No, it's not that-" Erica. 
"Derek said-" Isaac.
"We love you no matter who-" Lydia.
".....ask Derek-" Boyd.
" why did you not tell u-" Jackson.
"Why only Scott and not m-" Peter.
"You got my support-" Ethan.
"Who else know-" Liam. 
"I thought y-" Allison.
" But we were in a relati-" Malia.
" we care about y-" Kira.
"That's why you always ask if yo-" Danny.
"Why did you hide this-" Aiden.

I was starting to get overwhelmed, I felt a panic attack was starting to happen.

 When Derek came down the stairs, yelling. 

Everyone listened to Derek. It got quiet real fast.  I sit on the couch, while stealing glances at Derek from the corner of my eye.  I could've swore I saw him blush because I caught him staring at me.

 Then All of a sudden I had his full attention.

"Look stiles... we don't have a problem with you being gay... it's are upset that you had to hide it from us,  we feel that you didn't trust us enough to tell us...this is important to you so is it to us...because we care about you like you care for us." 

At some point Derek started to blush throughout his speech he was looking at me.
"Awwww Derek" I was touched, I started to tear up. " I can't believe I'm crying" But I'm glad my pack accepted me for me. "C'mon everyone group hug" I said while opening my arms, Derek was the first to hug me. 

I was surprised I think I even saw his eyes water, but he didn't let it show. After the hug ended, everyone went their own way around the loft. I decided today was the day I was gonna stop fearing that side of me because I knew the pack will always support me no matter what. That is why I will make a move towards the man I like, So I decided to go up to Derek and pull him down by the neck to my height and kissed him. 

And Kissed him some more. Until I forgot how to breathe. I lean back for air, when he kisses me.

 Damn, can he kiss. Mmm. I'm about to lean in again when I heard Scott.

 " WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?" Was Scott's response, when he saw us kissing. Damn Scott. 

Authors note
Sorry I haven't updated, I've had writers block but I'll try to update more. 

When Stiles Secrets Start To Come Out... Who's Gonna Get Hurt. |~STEREK~|Where stories live. Discover now