Chapter 5

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Sorry, I did a few changes. But Previously... 

》Stiles POV《

"Well, Pups and Mate. The reason that I act that way is because I feel the bonds between us. And for me, it's because I'm not human. "

"Then what are you?" Asked peter.

"I might be a hybrid." I said adding a little smirk at the end.

"Why didn't you ever tell us? Were you even going to tell us? You had to wait until you found out I was your Mate? Seriously?!" Derek looked mad. This is why I didn't what to tell them. 

"I had to be sure if my instincts were correct, because of the way you guys were treating me when you guys thought I was human. Scott didn't even respect my privacy. so yeah! I wanted to be sure before I revealed the one thing that would determine my fate. If you guys were my family or my enemy. "

"Lately, I had started feeling left out to the point I was considering to move to another state. Even a small town. It didn't matter to me where I went as long it was to a place where people actually treated each other like a family. That's why I never said anything. I was hoping someone deep down would try without having me say anything, for it... to be genuine." I bet my sadness could be seen on my face.

But I have to be strong. Especially, since I still have to mention that I have to leave for a while to continue training. My mom was training me until she died. But I still had my mother's book being a werefox, where she left me what she didn't have time to teach me. I still need help learning control. And after being possessed by the nogitsune, I have some new abilities. I don't know if it was intentional but it's cool to have that kind of power. 

Seeing as I have a mate, you would think it were easy but it turns out that I'm his mate. Yet I wonder if I might have another mate. Mother's book did say it was possible. 

While I was thinking about my mother's book and all the information about werefoxes that she left behind. The pack were just staring at me, probably processing everything I just said. 

But at least I was truthful. I didn't wanna keep lying. For once, I actually wanted their sincere reactions.

" why are you just telling us this now?!" Derek looked angry. I wonder why I'm just being honest. If this is how he's gonna be then maybe I should leave. 

" why are you getting angry!? I'm the one that's going through everything. Besides you also did mean things to me. For example, you would push me up the wall and threaten me. And now all of a sudden just because you find out that I'm your mate you care?! You know at first I thought it was hot you gave off the bad boy vibe. Then when all of them started doing it, I thought it was because you either told them to or they were copying you. But now that I know I'm your mate, I have a feeling that it probably won't change. "   I'm tired of their BS. 

Today has been a weird day, I admit. First, it was Scott's blabber mouth then his behavior after what Allison did. They didn't care about me at all until they found out I had secrets. 

"Oh." Today is the day I become an adult. It was in mom's book. With everything that's happened I completely forgot.

~Flashback~ A memory of stiles reading a part of his mother's book~

"My Dear Mieczyslaw,

You should be aware that if you enter a pack or a supernatural bond before you reach complete adult. They won't know what you are, not even by scent, pack bonds, or even your aura/ presence. Neither, will they act different towards you  It will almost be as if you were completely  human. But beware,  after you reach adulthood many things will change. It will put things in focus for you or change the perspective of those around you. If you find a mate and you choose to be with them then it will seal your fate with that person. However, be careful of your words because if you reject said mate, fate will choose another one for you and the first mate that you reject,... well...Their feelings towards you  will change. They will no longer feel you as their mate. I know it can put a heavy weight on your shoulders but it was done for many of the supernatural they just don't know it.  That way if we encounter a mate that is dangerous to us or our secret, or even worse they don't treat you right or don't accept you for your powers. Then fate will choose someone worthy. Although, trial and error does exist for a reason. Don't you think? Mieczyslaw. 

Oh. One more thing before I forget, If you ever feel betrayed or suffer of physical abuse before your adulthood, fair warning if you have been bottling those feeling. when you reach adulthood it will come to the surface and it can cause chaos , like I said it will put things in perspective for you. Especially, since you are a special werefox. You need to be stable at all times, emotional, or physical. That is due to your hidden side. You are very powerful Mieczyslaw. You are the embodiment of nature and magic itself. Not even all supernatural creatures can harm you, except yourself. 

My son, I do wish you the best but please remember you have to walk on your true soul path. whatever you feel you need to do, Do it. Don't question your instinct, it's a part of you.   Your life will change for the better. There's more I have to tell you my son, it is all in this book. If you ever have questions you can call upon on your inner self and it will tell you what you need to know, if I missed anything.

With lots of love,

Your Mother,


~End Of Flashback~

WOW. I can't believe I forgot about that. That was what she meant,... when she mentioned everything would come in to clear focus. That I would really see. Now I know. I have a feeling that I need to leave beacon hills for a while. At least until things cooled off.

" I'm Leaving Beacon Hills." I looked at them all as seriously as I could manage.

"WHAT?! WHY?!" They all said in sync. 

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