Chapter Two: Fate's Truth

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Domonicai put on some at least semi-clean clothes and went to work on foot as he did everyday. Once there, he was resigned in his belief that this day would be no different than any that had came before it. Boy, was he wrong... 

Erin Moonchilde, a silver haired curvaceous woman, stumbled into the bar as she looked as if she had just been through hell, something that Domonicai knew very well. From personal experience, in fact. It appeared the woman had just had her very way of life pulled out from beneath her feet and she had gotten caught in the riptide from it.

She had not escaped the metaphorical flames unscathed as her wide yet piercing cerulean eyes reflected. They showed the pain and despair that she was feeling deep in her soul. Silently passing him by and paying no one in the bar any mind, she took a seat in the back having nothing to drink but a tall glass of ice cold water, the condensation sliding down with a sort of seductive grace. 

Domonicai, for reasons unknown, could not keep his eyes off of this pained beauty. He felt himself drawn to her, wanting to wrap his strong arms around her slender waist and tell her that everything was going to only get better from here on out. But who was he to promise such a thing when he knew it wasn't true? He was a demon, not a liar. 

Giving a low growl, he crossed his arms and glared off into the distance at nothing in particular. This woman, who he didn't even know the name of and likely wouldn't bother himself with remembering, both perplexed and irritated him. In the decade that he had been on this plane of existence, he had gotten a little too used to members of the opposite sex fawning over him. The none-too-subtle brushing off of this one had crept beneath his typically thick skin. 


Erin stared into her drink longingly as the words of her King ran through her mind loudly, as if set on repeat. Massaging her temples, she gave a low groan as she wished she didn't have such a low tolerance to human alcohol. Never before had she craved a single taste of their drink so fiercely, but then again, she had never been banished from her home before either. 

She had noticed the man at the entry way, but she didn't see why she should pay him any mind as he hadn't her. She too was accustomed to the opposite sex going out of their way to pay attention to her, even if they were married, engaged, etc. Tracing her finger around the rim of her now empty glass, she hummed under her breath wondering where to go from here. 

I am now a rogue Fae. What am I to do? She found herself thinking, nibbling on her bottom lip. It upset her that the King had not even spent a second to let her attempt to explain her innocence. Yes, she knew he was strict but she did not think him unjust, until now when she had the time to think over how her trial had turned out. 

It hadn't gone how she had thought it would have in the slightest. She thought that she had been called to Court, as she was the Queen's advisor. As it turned out, she was being falsely accused for fraternizing with a human while out of Glamour. She, like all of her Court, highly detested humankind. Her Court, as well as herself, viewed humans as weak, petty, and childish. They caused wars over simple things that a little democracy could solve. It was rather foolish in her eyes. And her King, of all people, having known her best, accused her of such a heinous act?! How was it possible? 

Staring into her drink, she fumed and mentally screamed but to the outside observer, she simply looked as if she had a lot on her mind. She ran a hand through her short cropped, exotically colored hair. It was a platinum blond with a silver shine to it and her eyes had a far-off look to them as if she was not mentally there. Giving a soft and forlorn sigh, she bit down on her lip once more as the finality of everything hit her all at once. Never again would she be able to see the eternal green rolling hills of her home. Never again would she glimpse the proud, happy smiles of her family seeing her seated beside the Queen at Court. So many things that had been ended so very quickly and it broke her heart into small little shattered pieces.  


Domonicai, annoyed how one female could set him at unease so simply, approached her. She barely heard his footsteps across the hardwood floors and she met his eyes, raising her black and red silk rimmed fedora to get a better glimpse of him. His eyes were the first thing her own fell upon and the fierce look burning in them frightened her a bit. She lowered her eyes once more as his husky voice questioned. 

"Miss may I sit here?" She felt a shiver, not of fear, travel down her spine at hearing this. 

"Go ahead. What's stopping you?" She asked.

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