Fate's Journey

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Domonicai, the captain of the Immortal Guard of Hades, had been summoned by none other than Death herself. This concerned the man as no one who had been summoned by Death came out... Ever. Approaching, never breaking his stride, he entered what could only be described as a goddess’ study.

It was spacious and luxurious, the walls covered with dark trimmed tapestries with images portraying brighter days when Death was not so... frightening, in a sense. Upon her floor was a beautiful throw rug with a crimson and black Italian design.

Death herself was standing before a fireplace, the embers dancing before her casting her silhouette upon the floor behind her. Not even turning to face him, her voice which was cold as ice, welcomed him.

"Greetings, Captain. I see you answered my summons." Even in a voice of ice, there was a slight hint of humor to it. "Now come closer. You have no need to be afraid."

There were rumors that she was able to smell the fear of those around her and it frightened the guard. Not many were bold enough to approach the woman, even outside of her chambers.

Domonicai, not wanting to upset her when he was here on her accord, approached, standing before her. Only then did she turn around. 

Death, a rather small woman appearing only to be twenty or so, had the coldest eyes imaginable. In those eyes were the pain and suffering of all humanity as she had been charged with this position from the beginning of time. She wore a black gown and a crimson cloak about her shoulders, already giving the woman an air of superiority. Furthermore, she typically walked as if all were beneath her. 

"What do you require of me, my goddess?" He inquired dipping into a deep bow. 

Her eyes, death iced over, met his own brimstone colored ones. "You seem to have been lacking on your responsibilities as of late, Domonicai." There was a flat disapproval to her voice. 

He was taken back at hearing these words. His mind froze up and he squared his shoulders.

"I beg your pardon Goddess. Punish me for speaking out of turn if you will but how have I been ‘lacking in my responsibilities,’ as you have put it?" He said in a semi cross tone.

His words made her give a gentle laugh, then she sobered and spoke once more. "You have lost your purpose, my child. No longer do you deliver just punishment to those deserving of it. You simply punish all, giving no care as to whether they are deserving or not."

This stunned the warrior, as he met her eyes with a questioning look. He knew he should watch his tongue around Death, but her accusations were unfounded in his eyes.

"What proof do you have of this, Goddess? I have done my tasks as I should. I have remained loyal to you all these years. And still you accuse me of having lost my purpose? What gives you the right?" With every statement, his voice had raised in volume by a minor degree.

The goddess, highly offended by his words, growled and retorted with a fierce slap across the warrior’s face. He felt the sting of her small, yet infinitely strong hand, the nails clawing his cheek. His head whipped back as he stumbled away from her a few feet.  Regaining his balance, he placed a hand to his injured cheek, understanding that he had deserved such a response.

"Domonicai, I was going to give you a chance to find your place once more. But with the disrespect you have shown to me, Goddess of Death, I now strip you of your title and the perks that come with it. You now are banished to the realm of the Living. Only when you have rediscovered your purpose and how to respect those higher than you, will you be allowed to return." Her voice had a devastatingly final tone to it.

A portal had appeared behind the once great warrior of Death and being sucked into it, he felt a sharp and fierce burning along his side. After what had seemed like an agonizing eternity, he realized that he was now in the realm of the Living with no way of returning to what he had called home.

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