Chapter Eight: Fate's Adoration

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Holding the quite obviously frightened girl in his arms, Domonicai soothingly bushed back her hair. "Erin, what is the matter?" He softly questioned, taking care not to raise his voice as he didn't want to terrify her anymore than she already was.  

Shaking in his embrace, she softly whimpered, arms thrown around his neck and tears streaming down her face. "I thought you were gonna die, Dom!" She cried out, nuzzling into the right side of his neck.  

Is she serious? A petty assassin like that...? He thought about this while suppressing the urge to laugh at this because it seemed she honestly had feared for his life. While cute and highly appreciated, it was unnecessary.  

"Erin.... Love, look at me please?" Once she had glanced up to meet his eyes, he sighed gently. "One such as... that weakling, they would not be able to rob me of my life with any more ease that one, other than you, would rob me of my love for you." He said in a deeply serious tone. Brimstone hues met cerulean as he then softly pressed his lips to her own in a gentle kiss as an attempt to calm the girl who had captured his once-thought unbeating heart.  

"B-But..." She seemed to stammer against his lips, refusing to believe he was as immortal and invincible as he thought that he was.  

" Shhh, my love. All is fine. Just relax, please? Let us forget that even happened, no?" He said, giving that husky yet calming chuckle as he held her form to his own, protectively... No, lovingly.  

At this, she relaxed in his embrace, unable to assist doing so. "Alright..." She whispered, an unbidden yawn whispering past parted lips as she laid her head against his shoulder, closing those beautiful azured orbs.  

"Sleepy?" He faintly teased, though he knew where the woman was coming from. It had taken a lot out of him to hold back as he did in that psuedo-battle. Domonicai was unused to reducing his form to such short stature, yet if he had not, the entire building would have been crushed like a bug by a mere foot step. And he would not allow that, as this sleepy girl he now held was his entire world.  

She grumbled in sleepy agreement and whispered, not opening her eyes. "Can we go back to bed, Dom?"  

Though she was unable to see it, he smiled. And such a sweet, cherishing smile it was. "Yes, my darling. A rest sounds heavenly." He murmured and thought to himself. If heaven gives me you, I will fight every god standing atop that mountain to have you at my side.  

She mumbled, not even waiting for him to rise to his feet, as sleep pulled her under once more. Getting up with the now human looking Fae in his arms, he carried her to his large bed. Sniffing at the air, he gave a satisfied smirk as the smell of sex was still in the air and it likely would be quite some time before it cleared. Sighing lowly, he lay her beneath the blankets after removing her shoes and fedora. He would then shed his shirt as he joined her. A deep yawn, more reminiscent of a quieter version of a lion s roar, ripped from him as he felt himself pulled under the tide of sleep as well.  

Closing those brimstone hues, he got comfortable and allowed himself to dream. That darkness swallowing his consciousness, he let his mind wander as he fell asleep with such a beautiful girl in his arms. No one else ever had, and hopefully never would, capture his heart such as she did.  

"Good night my love." Whispered past his sleeping lips as he dreamed.

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