Chapter Ten: Fate's Requiem

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Erin woke in Domonicai's arms, silvery-blue hues blinking against the sun shining in through the window, glaring right in her line of vision. A low groan of distaste slipped past her lips as she glanced at the sleeping man who was holding her like she was the greatest treasure he could ever possess. She still found it difficult to understand how he loved her even with knowing just what she was. 

She had to softly chuckle at how he looked almost innocent in sleep. Giving a slight shake of her head, she would press a gentle kiss to his cheek. To this, the male responded with a low, sleepy groan as his arms would surround her a bit more as he drew her close. 

Domonicai would slowly wake roughly an hour after she had, to find the still awake femme holding onto him with a loving and adoring look to her expression. A smile would cross her lips as they were then pressed to his own in a rather passionate locking as her hands gently caressed his hair.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." The Fae gently teased, giving a gentle and playful smirk. Her silvered hues would shimmer with an almost mischievous intent and he laughed ever so slightly as he would move his head to her shoulder, nuzzling into the comfortably warm flesh that was there.

"Good morning to you too, beautiful." He would then say, giving her the same sort of smirk. The Daemon would then heft Erin onto and against his chest. "I just want you to know that I will never leave you, lest you send me away. Please... I just... Augh, I don't even remotely understand these feelings so forgive me if I become confusing." The male would murmur. 

Suddenly, the front door to the penthouse would open and the still nude male would shoot to his feet, accidentally making Erin tumble rather ungracefully onto the floor. Domonicai did not take notice to this as he was more preoccupied with keeping her safe from the intruder than making sure that she had a soft landing. The black scales would over come the entirety of his form as his horns and cloven hooves came into view as well. 

"Who is there?" Dom would call out, sounding rather annoyed and restraining his anger in the off chance that it was a friend and not a foe. 

When he emerged from the bedroom, closing the door behind him as he did so, he would then see a femme that easily put most women to shame but wasn't as attractive as Erin in Dom's eyes. The being was nude save for the golden scales running over her arms, feet, and down her spine from the base of her neck down to the tip off her 12 foot long tail which ended in a spade, much like the dragons of lore. This female would have her head bowed in reverance as she knelt on the ground. 

"Do not make me repeat myself, child." Domonicai would snarl lowly, forcing the being to her feet. She would regard the obviously angered man towering above her with a rather timid, submissive appearance to the molten golden hue that covered her sclera and irises. 

"M-Mistress Thanatos s-s-sent me with a message..." The femme would whimper as she trembled beneath the other being's gaze. This took Dom by surprise as he did not expect Thanatos to send her personal messenger so suddenly. What could Mistress possibly want to tell me? Why couldn't she come herself? These thoughts would run through his mind at a mile a minute. A frown would then cross his lips, causing razor sharp fangs to come into sight. 

The girl then flinched and cringed, struggling to get out of Domonicai's grasp. He would lighten his grip slightly as he set her down onto the couch. He then took a seat in the chair next to where she was. Leaning foreward and resting his arms on his knees, he would glance over at the woman. 

"So, what is this message that Mistress Thanatos has for me?" He would ask, finding it impossible to hide the concern, worry, surprise and curiosity in his deep rumble of a voice. 

"S-She told me to pass it on that you are allowed to come home. H-Her w-w-w-words, n-not mine..." She would whimper, keeping her gaze upon her black clawed feet. Every so often another shuddering tremble would travel from her pointed ears all the way down to her tail which was wrapped around her form like a living, moving belt. 

"Hm..." This was all Domonicai was capable of saying due to his being so lost in thought. There was then the sound of feet crossing the hardwood floors as Erin came out of the bedroom. To her, it looked as if he had gotten some sort of bad news and the woman on the couch, whom she did not recognize, was scared beyond belief. 

"Dom, are... is everything okay?" She would ask softly as she put her hand on his shoulder in a hopefully soothing gesture. Yet, due to his distraction, the sudden touch made him jump in surprise and a growl would slip past his maw. Erin jumped back a fraction of a step. "Hey! I was just seeing if you were okay." She growled with a deep seated look of annoyance to her features. 

"Oh.... Sorry dear..." He murmured as he then left the room. A few minutes would pass before he re-emerged completely clothed from his Stetson to the black button down shirt he wore beneath the duster to his blue jeans and combat boots.

Erin's brows drew together in concern. Yes, she was accustomed to Dom's odd quirks but how he was acting now, that was something entirely new to her and it worried her very deeply. 

"Domonicai. What's wrong?" She would demand, stopping him just after he had walked out of the bedroom doors. There was a very angry yet gently concerned look to her silvery blue hues. 

"I.... I'm not sure yet. Let me think about it, okay Erin?" He would growl due to annoyance at himself allowing himself to become so distracted that he'd snarled at the one being he would give up going home for.

"Is it... She's the cause isn't she?!" She would demand in a hushed growl. 

"Who? ....Oh, her? Hells, no! Erin, calm down. I've never met her before. I love you, no one else." He would grasp her shoulders rather firmly and gazed into her eyes, his own blazing with a fierce passion as he pulled the woman in his arms closely before crushing his lips to her own, stealing Erin's breath away. When he pulled away, her eyes blinked rapidly as she was trying to regain the breath that was stolen from her.

"Dom.... I...." She had no idea what to say at this moment. Her mouth would open as an idea would cross her mind, then close as soon as it fled. This would happen several times and she just gave a silent sigh as she lay her head on his chest.

His arms would wrap tightly around her, but not uncomfortably as he would look over at the messenger. "Tell Mistress that I appreciate the offer. But I'm staying." With that, the other woman would fade out of sight as if she had never been there in the first place. Domonicai felt one stress leave his shoulders, with another to take its place. 

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