The Visitor

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Crimson wave, Aunt Flo's stay, shark week, hell week, Satan's waterfall, or whatever you call it, it is upon us. Well, me. I tuck my knees into my chest and hold a heating pad to my stomach. I grumble to myself in my leather rolling chair.

I look through files and files of missions. I call groups in and out of my office. Most of the requests are bodyguard missions and deals. My eyes catches a particular red folder among the manila. We only use red for assassinations. I set the file to the side so Kakashi and I can discuss it together. Kill missions are not taken lightly, the target must be at least cost the life of a person before they can be considered. An eye for an eye is our rule.


A knock at the door earns a grunt from me. "Yeah?", TenTen, Temari, Karui, and Hinata walk in with sour faces clutching their stomachs. "Lemme guess, all of us have synced up, right?" I grumble.

They nod, "Do you have any Midol?" Temari asks. I slide my rolling chair back and unlock my bottom drawer. It was filled with over the counter medicines that I like to have on hand. And my snacks. I keep them in my locked drawer because of the little rats that like to steal them from me. Those rats are also known as Kiba and Kakashi.

I rummage around until I spot that familiar blue label and pull the bottle out and set it on the desk. I set it on the desk and the girls each take two and pop them in there mouths, dry swallowing them. However I take my handy dandy water bottle and take a swig before taking the pills of life.

"I don't get why you don't just dry swallow pills," Karui shrugs. "I value the ability to breath, thank you," I banter back. A loud growl interrupts our conversation. And then another growl, and then another until m stomach adds to the symphony.

I look down at my desk and see only one mission left to file, "Say, after I finish filing this last paper we can go get food," I offer. They nod. "So what do we want?" I ask again.

"Chocolate," they chime together. I nod and quickly sort the file. I roll my chair out from under the desk and pat my pants pocket for my wallet. "Let's go," I call out as we file out my door.

We pile into my sleek black car and drive off to the closest shop. I park my car in a rocky lot of a small store a couple blocks away. We hop out the car and enter the dim shop. A small old man stands behind the register and nods to us. We nod back before scouring the small aisles for assorted types of chocolate.

We get chocolate bars, ice cream, and truffles. We carry our items to the register and the smiling old man rings them up. We all split the cost with cash before the old man waves us goodbye.


We enter my apartment a little after dark and dump out our plastic bags onto my coffee table. The tinkling of a bell reminds me to check the dumbwaiter before I dig in. I pad to the kitchen from my living room and slide open the door to the dumbwaiter. I pull out a plate with different colored blobs arrange nicely. I recognize the blobs as mochi and I smile. 

Heard more than one voice so I gave you extra. Have fun ~2B

I walk over and swipe a nutty bar and a few truffles and places them on the platform before scrawling out a quick note.

Just came back from the store with exclusively chocolate. Thanks for the extra mochi. ~1B 

I place the note on the nut bar and pull the lever inside the wall until it stops. I slide the door shut and bring the mochi over to my table. "My neighbor gave us mochi," I announce, setting the plate down. They look at me skeptically.

I sit down next to Karui and begin explaining. "A while back the guy in the flat above me sent down a plate of salmon and rice and said he made too much. Well I sent up a slice of cake as a thank you. And we just kept sending little treats to each other with the dumbwaiter since," I munch on a purple mochi. Tenten is the first to grab the mochi after me, she picks out a green tea one, "So do you know him?"

I shake my head, "Not personally,"  She hums in discontent. "Haven't you ever been told not to take candy from strangers?" I groan and lay back on my floor. "I know how to take care of myself. Beside, he seems pretty nice,"

"You've been sending notes attached to food to him! And Hinata's had to remind you to eat!" Temari yanks at her hair in frustration. I shrug with a smirk on my face, "He hasn't yet so he's okay in my book,"


I glance at my phone and notice how late it is, "You guys just wanna stay the night? It'll be easier than going back to the compound dorms," They glance at each other and shrug. "Sounds like a plan then," I pad to the closet and pull out a stack of blankets and toss them. We make a large sleeping mat with the blankets. We sit in a circle on the pallet and each snacks.

One by one we fall asleep until I am the only one awake. I rub my eyes and check the doors and windows, making sure they are all locked and secure. I lay down between Hinata and Karui where they left a blanket unused and a generous amount of sleeping room.

I lay on my back and think through the next day, Monday. I've noticed the increase in the frequency of my torment. If I were anyone else I would not be fine up in the chrome dome. I see why Shikamaru warned me about this place. You would think that the administration would have noticed something was causing it after the third jump. They've been forgotten, swept under the rug, overlooked.

A sick feeling in my stomach accompanies the thoughts of all the lost and forgotten suicide victims. I shake the thought out of my head and try to get some sleep.

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