The First Meet

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The First Meet,

Chapter Four

 The sun’s rays illuminated my room, filling it with its bright warmth. I had finally been discharged from the hospital, only being allowed to attend school and run required chores without help. I was happy again! Don’t get me wrong, I was in my own room, in my own house, in my own clothes. But… a brief sigh escaped from my mouth. Everything just feels, off putting.  

I woke up earlier than I usually did. Though this had become a regular part of my daily routine seeing how I barely slept, not with the pain. It made it difficult, though, Serah. She helped me nearly everyday. Assisting me with my shopping, and just general house burdens.

I was grateful, I kept insisting that I had to pay her for her time. Though, every time she declined. Raising a finger to face and shaking it.

“We’re friends!” she would say, “I don’t need your money!”

I grabbed hold of my door, using it as an anchor for my weight; pushing forward down the hallway. I entered my living room, sweat starting to escape from my glands. I examined the room, the blinds closed making the room quite eerie.

I approached the window grabbing hold of the wand tilt, twisting it open.

“Just a few more minutes...” a soft voice moaned from behind me.

I turned around to see Serah as she lay on the couch, a ball of drool seeping from a small opening in her mouth and slowly descending down her cheek onto the leather couch.

“You stayed here again?” I snickered, shaking her awake.

She swatted at my hand, forcing me to retreat back.

“Seraaah...” I murmured, “They’re supposed to come todaaay. Get uuup!”

Slowly, but surely her eyes opened. The sunlight blinding her momentarily. Looking up at me her eyes widened. She shot up, bowing in an apologetic fashion in front of me, her hair nearly touching the floor, “My apologies!”

I snickered, unable to resist, “Rise.” I said, cupping my hand over my mouth

Serah rose confused, “Waaaah...” she said, still half asleep.

I laughed at the drool still hanging from her lip as she gawked at me.

“Get dressed.” I said, still chuckling, patting her on the shoulder as I walked past into the kitchen. Her cheeks becoming a bright red as she examined herself. Her usual neatly kept hair was messy, and as she looked down at herself she found that she was only wearing her nightwear that consisted of only her undergarments.

I started to begin making breakfast, and since today was a special occasion I decided to go all out! Bacon, eggs, and pancakes! Made with my special mix too!

A large smiled spread across face as I cooked. I found myself some place else.The height of the walls towering over me. As if I were standing under a grand hall. I closely examined the room and found that to either side of me were small wooden doors; held in place by metal frames.

“Hello?” I yelled, confused.

I heard the loud clanking of metal as the pot I held bounced off the floor, the sizzling eggs spilling out of the pot at my feet. The rub of Serah’s touch against my back as she talked, her voice not reaching me. I spun around, meeting her face to face. Her expression furrowed as she shook me. Sweat dripping down her forehead

“Yes?” I finally replied softly, her appearance now one of bewilderment. Her gaping character confusing me.

“What?” I asked.

“N-Nothing.” she wavered, “Do you need help with cleaning up?”

“No.” I muttered looking around me, the floor dirtied with egg yolk.

“What had happened?” I thought, cleaning up my mess. My mind silent, and my heartbeat loud. Recounting my thoughts I remembered cooking, the heat of the stove, my arms swishing around the pan, the sizzling sound of eggs and bacon, and then… nothing. The last thing I recalled was being shook by Serah.

After cleaning up, I sat down on my recliner. My head now starting to hurt from thinking too much. I rested my head back, and before I knew it I was asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2014 ⏰

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