chapter ten

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What finally woke the personalities was a crash of thunder so loud that it wormed its way into their dream. The one in control when they startled awake was Winter, who was the usual response to a threat. The assassin rolled up off of the place where she had been lying, grabbing the gun off her hip as she went and cocked said gun.

"Woah, Speedy," Stark held up his hands in a motion ment to calm her, "I take it the nap didn't do much for relaxation."

"Not Speedy," Winter breathed out, lowering it but not clicking off the safety, "...tiny Howard."

"How do you know my dad?" Tony asked incredulously, "You couldn't be older than eighteen."

"Kae's twenty," Winter said, relaxing a little bit, but still being wary of the constant lightning outside, "I'm 95."

"95?" Stark's eyebrows shot up, "How does that work?"

"We're special," Kae snarked from her place in their mind.

Winter snorted, "Other me did time in the ice, too."

"Other you?" Tony's eyebrows


A particularly loud crash of thunder sounded from right next to the quinjet, causing Loki to nearly jump out of his seat in fright.

"What's the matter? Are you scared of a little lightning?" Steve turned to the Asgardian.

"I'm not overly fond of what follows," Loki began watching his surroundings, twisting his head around as if to spot whatever was coming.

Winter didn't know what that meant, nor did she want to. She looked to her companions who also seemed unnerved by what Loki'd said.

A loud thud boomed from the top of the quinjet, causing everyone to startle. Tony was quick to grab his helmet and put it back on his head, opening the reach hatch of the quinjet as soon as he had it on.

Steve looked up, "What're you doing?"

When the hatch was fully open a blonde man dropped down from the roof of the quinjet, making Winter immediately point her gun at him. Tony also powered up a blaster and leveled it with the intruder's chest. When the man slammed his huge hammer into the glowing circle in Tony's armour, he was thrown back and the assassin shot.

Once again the bullet bounced off of the armour and Winter growled as the stranger grabbed Loki by the throat and flew off into the storm. Winter tried to get up to see where the two went but was stopped when Gen reminded her that they needed food before they could do any more fighting.

"And now there's that guy," Tony groaned as he got back up.

"Another Asgardian?" Romanoff yelled back at them.

"That's guy's a friendly?" Steve asked.

"Doesn't matter," Winter growled.

"If he frees Loki or kills him, the Tesseract's lost," Tony finished for her.

"Stark!" Steve shouted after the man, "We need a plan of attack!"

"I have a plan. Attack."

Tony's blaster's went off, propelling him out of the quinjet and after the two Asgardians. Steve grabbed a parachute and began to get ready to jump out of the plane.

"I'd sit this one out, Cap," Romanoff called back as she tried to pilot the quinjet through the storm.

"I don't see how I can."

"It's pretty easy, punk," Winter retorted, "You sit down and you don't jump out of the jet."

Steve was about to reply when the agent continued trying to convince him, "These guys come from legends, they're basically gods."

"There's only one God ma'am. And I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that," and with that the captain jumped out of the quinjet.

Winter grabbed a hand hold and leaned over to try and see where Steve had landed, but the storm clouds blocked her view.

"He's probably fine," Alison reassured her, "He's Captain America."

"That's exactly why I'm worried," the assassin said exasperatedly.

"If you want to help, we'll need at least 4 pizzas or 64 tacos," Gen told them,  "and I'm pretty sure that there isn't any hidden food in this place."

"Is there any food in here?" Winter called up to Romanoff, "I'd really like to help."

"It'd be better if you stayed here, Legion," the redhead yelled in response, "Cap wasn't supposed to go in the first place!"

"So there is something," Winter started assessing her surroundings with a critical eye.

As she was looking, a massive string of lightning blasted past the quinjet, halting her quest for food. The assassin put her hand up to her comms unit,

"What's happening down there?"

"Just a power boost, Trigger Happy," Tony replied, "Nothing to worry about."

"A power boost?" Gen questioned, "There's no way that was a power boost."

"I have no idea," Winter replied, continuing to look for something to eat.

Not even two minutes later a shockwave vibrated into the quinjet, throwing the entire machine off to the side before Romanoff and the pilot could get the plane back into control. The assassin was flung to the side, hitting the wall quite hard. The personality let out a string of curses in Russian before righting herself once more.

"We're ready for pick up," Steve announced over the comms not even thirty seconds later.

"He's fine," Alison reiterated, "You don't have to worry."

Winter sighed and plopped back down on the seat.

What's this? Why, it's a chapter early in the morning that I prepared to post the night before. Shocking, right? Anyway, next chapter's a fun (but not very full of action) one, and now I actually have to focus on writing more of this, because I've only written ten full chapters. Eleven's almost complete though, so I'll see you next Monday with that completed chapter. I hope that you all have a fantastic day where you won't have as much trouble finding sustenance as Winter has been having.
~ Aria

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