chapter twenty

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Gen skidded to a halt after taking up a position at the top of another building, allowing Winter to set up, the assassin firing shot after shot at the multitudes of Chitauri soldiers who were jumping off of the leviathan. The only break that she took was when her guns ran out of ammo and she had to reload them. Soon enough she was on her last clip, so she holstered her gun, and Gen took back over.

The speedster zig zagged through the streets knocking the Chitauri back from fleeing civilians doing her best to incapacitate most of them. But, after who knows how long of seemingly unending attacks, Gen began to feel herself tire. So, like any hungry person when the world was ending, she super speed through eating almost fifty tacos. Then she ran off again, but not without Alison first reminding her that they would have to go back and pay after this entire fiasco was over.

She continued taking out aliens until she spotted Steve running up to a barricade of police, dodging the bullets that they were haphazardly shooting at the Chitauri chariots along with the energy blasts coming from the chariots themselves. She scooped up the captain and sped him over to the top of a crashed car that the police were using as a barricade. She opted to leave with a remark relayed from Winter,

"Aim for their heads, you can't break the chariots!"

She then sped off once more, doing a single loop of the area before heading up another building, only to find Tony firing rockets at the leviathan. She sped over to the nearest rooftop to him and shouted, "What're you doing, Stark? Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

"Nope! Just getting its attention!" He shouted back, starting to flee.

The thing didn't seem to be very good at flying without destroying things, so Gen took to clearing the path while Tony kept it following him. She didn't bother with everything, especially the stuff she couldn't carry, but she made sure to get every living thing out of the way. Just as she was whisking a civilian out of the way, a stray energy blast hit her in the shoulder, causing her to flinch, curse, and drop the woman she'd been carrying out of harm's way.

"I'm. So. Sorry," she apologized to the woman through gritted as she held her shoulder.

The blonde woman just stared at her wound, horrified, then thanked her and ran away. Gen just hissed in pain, but she knew the wound would soon begin to heal and tried to shake it off as soon as possible so she could start up again.

"What's the story from upstairs?" Steve asked from the comms.

"The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable," she heard Thor's muffled announce.

"Thor is right!" Tony said from where he was leading the leviathan, not too far away from Gen herself, "We gotta deal with these guys."

Gen decided to revisit the question she'd asked earlier, "How are we going to do this? I don't particularly want to get shot again."

"As a team, Legion," Steve replied.

"And please don't get shot again," Tony told her as she stopped on a building beside him.

"I have unfinished business with Loki," she heard Thor say from the other end of the line, seeming as if he'd been given a comms unit this time.

"Yeah? Get in line," Clint huffed.

"Save it. Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need. Without him these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need us..." Steve trailed off, and Gen, the curious being that she was, asked what was going on after clearing a few more blocks of the street.

Through the comms, she heard the muffled voice of Dr. Banner, "So this all seems horrible."

"I've seen worse," Romanoff deadpanned.

"Sorry," came the same muffled voice again.

"No," the woman corrected, "We could use a little worse."

Gen scoffed, "Speak for yourself."

"Stark!" Steve called, his voice more clear, "We got him."

"Yeah," Tony responded, sounding slightly out of breath, "I heard. It's Banner, right?"

"Just like you said," Steve confirmed.

"Then tell him to suit up," Tony said, "I'm bringing the party to you."

Gen started sprinting as soon as he made a u-turn in the direction of where the other Avengers must have set up shop. Just as she skidded to a halt beside Clint, Romanoff frowned,

"I... I don't see how that's a party..."

The leviathan swooped down after Tony, who had done the same only moments earlier. She frowned,

"Dr. Banner," Gen prodded, "Now would be a really good time to get angry."

"That's my secret," he turned to them, "I'm always angry."

Then all hell broke loose.

That was really fun to write, and I do realize that I left out some iconic moments, but when I created this I knew that I didn't want to take away the importance of any of the other Avengers or lessen them in comparison in any way, so that meant not taking away any of their iconic moments by adding in Legion and making it her moment too. And I felt that if she were there at all she would definitely force herself into helping, so I just kept her out of it all together. Other than that, I have two more announcements. I'll be starting a new schedule on Monday, so I'm not a hundred percent sure that I'll be updating, but I'll try. And as this book is so close to being complete, I may end up choosing next week to finish it and push Iroas back another week (this isn't a guarantee though). So with the announcements out of the way, I'll wish you all a wonderful weekend, and I hope that I'll see you all again with chapter twenty-one.
~ Aria

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