Donuts //Ciel One Shot//

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Even though the young lord's favourite dessert was cake, that didn't mean he didn't love other sweets. He absolutely loved donuts. And his favourite donuts were the powered ones with a strawberry filling on the inside. Their delectable, sweet strawberry filling that he savoured with every bite, made him feel like his was on cloud nine. The messy white powder that somehow found itself around his pale pinkish lips, and across his chest, reminded him of the days when he would jump and play in the snow.

So you could probably imagine the expression of delight that crossed his usually stoic face, when his demonic butler, Sebastian, walked into his study with a bunch of his favourite donuts. He could smell the faint aroma of Earl Grey tea amongst the stronger scent of his strawberry filled donuts that filed his nostrils. Sebastian sauntered over to his young master's desk, pushing along the cart that the tea and donuts had carefully balanced upon. The black butler stopped abruptly in his tracks, of course, without the tea set making even the slightest rattle.

"Today, we have Earl Grey accompanied by fluff, powered donuts with a fresh strawberry-filled inside," Sebastian's crimson eyes flickered over to his young master, as he gently, yet somewhat hastily poured the tea into the flowery decorated china cup. He tenderly placed the cup on his young master's desk – that like usual, seemed to be flooded with loads of paperwork. Then, picked up the tray of donuts, carefully making sure it was there was a secure, levelled place on his desk, before setting it down.

The moment the 'young' butler placed down the tray, Ciel greedily snatched one up off the tin – which would be very unseemly of a Earl – and bit into it's delicacy. Almost immediately, did his sapphire eye start to sparkle, radiantly, as he tried to savour every last bite of the donut. Everyone knew that, not only was Sebastian the perfect butler, but also an equally amazing cook. And so it was barely a shock, that Sebastian had made his favourite donuts taste that much more amazing.

"Sebastian, this are amazing!" The remains of his donut that he had, shamelessly, shoved in his mouth, were muffling the words that flew out from his lips.

At this, the corner's of Sebastian's lips curled into an almost devious smirk, "Of course, My lord. It is simply one hell of a donut."

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