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'Okay, class, we have A LOT of new students today so you guys have to do all the classwork at home. Finish chapter 5 completely. Have fun doing maths!' Kiyoteru grinned evilly.

The students groaned. 

'Teto, didn't you get a job on the lower grades?'

'No, Hiyama. I'm on inspection duty, as always!' Teto exclaimed.

'I feel like you're a student! Go somewhere else!' 

'Duty's here.'

'Whatever. OK, the first student is IA.'

IA walked out of the crowd of students, in front of Kiyoteru's desk. 

'Hi, everyone,' she tried to smile but ended up showing no emotion. 'I am IA, I used to study privately. I'm really excited about coming here. My favorite subject is computer science because its about computers. And also Maths...'

Kiyoteru almost spit his coffee. 'WOW! What? Did you say you like Maths?'

'Yes, sir.'

'Okay, go on,' Kiyoteru waved her to go on. Yes! I'm not the only person in the world who doesn't think Math is mental abuse to humans!

'IA is really pretty!' Len whispered to Rin.

'Len, you have zero chance with her!' Rin reminded.

'Huh. I have the most chance with her.'

'You won't even be able to talk to her!'

'I will.'

'She likes Computer science, dear brother. You know nothing about it.'

'Yes, I do!'

'What is a computer?'

'Duh. It's a- a- a computer is a device that- what is a computer!?'

'Good luck talking to IA.'

Meanwhile, Luka watched IA intently. She tried to ignore the fact that Miku and Kaito were having so much fun in the desk in front of her.

'Wow, IA is SO...' Kaito couldn't continue.

'I know! She looks so smart! She's beautiful too and has a proper sense of fashion!' Miku grinned.


'What will you do, Kaito?'


'About her?'


'Why not?'

'I'll try to be friends, of coarse. But I'm not Len that I fall for every single person I see and completely forget about the past ones!'

'Don't be rude! I'm sure Len is good!'

Kaito stared at her.

'Some part of him...' Miku bowed her head.


'Oh, another student.'

'Huh?' Then Miku stopped talking and stared.

Yuma was introducing himself. 'Hey, everyone!'

High-pitched screams were heard and Kiyoteru had to shut them down with, 'Shh, pupils!'

Then, there was a knock. 'Come in!' Kiyoteru shouted.

Gakupo and Meiko entered. When Meiko saw Yuma she gasped.

'Hot!' Meiko whispered.

'I'm gonna kill him!' Gakupo decided, noticing Meiko.

'What happened?' Kiyoteru asked.

'Um, wrong class!' Meiko answered., when she saw Miku an Kaito.

'Shoo, then!' Kiyoteru waved them away.

Rin had screamed, too. 'Who is that angel?'

'Ew! What is wrong with that guy?' Len asked.

'His perfectness!'

'Why is his hair pink?'

'I don't care! Len, give him to me now!'

'No way! He's a loser!'

'You don't have eyes, brother!'

Lola came to introduce herself. 'Hi, there! I'm really English but I came here to Japan because I LOVE travelling!'

Miku noticed her forced enthusiasm. 'Lola... she doesn't look happy.'

'Why do you say that?'

'Look. She looks like she's forcing a smile. Inside, she's sad.'

'How do you know?'

'You can see it in her eyes.'

'Why, though?'

'I don't know, Kaito. But I want to talk to her.'


At break, Miku sat down beside Lola, who tried to ignore her. Kaito rolled his eyes and sat down to admire his ice-cream.

'Hi, Lola,' Miku grinned.

Lola didn't reply.

'I LOVE leek! Don't you?'

No reply.

'Look at Kaito. He LOVES ice-cream SO much. I think he wants to marry ice-cream.'

'Can you please sit somewhere else, Jihonloid?' Lola said 'Jihonloid' as if it was a sick disease.

Miku didn't want to upset her.

'If- if you want company-'

Lola snarled at her.

'Come on, Kaito!' Miku yelped.

Praising his ice-cream's beauty, Kaito followed.

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