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  'I always knew something was wrong with him. But you blindly trusted him.

  'He didn't know what he was doing, Gumi! And- and- he was right!' 

Gumi didn't understand.

'He was right to kill all the Jihonloids!'


'It's true! We're the first Vocaloids! The Espanoloids came first! But people don't remember us anymore! People don't listen to us when we sing. They don't care about us because of YOU!' Lola shoved Gumi very hard.

'Lola!' Gumi shouted, when she hit the door of IA's room.

Shaking Gumi, Lola sobbed. 'If I had helped him, he wouldn't have been locked up!'

'Lola, you did the right thing by helping IA! You're not a *** like Leon! Don't regret the right decision!'

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'Lola, you did the right thing by helping IA! You're not a *** like Leon! Don't regret the right decision!'

'It wasn't right. I don't have anyone now.'

'You have me.'

'Pfft! You! What do I do with a rude-y like you?' Lola laughed although her eyes were shimmering.

'I'm a good agent.'

'I don't like you at all! You were never nice to Leon!'

'Please stop mentioning that ***.'

'If you love someone you always think about them.'

'Wait, what? Eww! You LOVED him? Gross!'

'I loved him as a friend, idiot!'

'Oh, okay. Not that gross. But still, he's an idiot.'

Lola closed her eyes and inhaled slowly. 'One day, you will lose the person you value the most, too. Everyone does. Then, you'll understand what I am facing.'

With that happy thought, Lola strode away.

'Pfft! Yeah, right!' Gumi called.


'Why doesn't Len ever notice me?' Neru ranted. 'Why Miku? Am I anything less than Miku? Is- is Miku any prettier than me? Why Miku? Miku will never love him! She likes Kaito! Everyone knows that! Why doesn't Len? Why? Why-'

 'Why Miku? Am I anything less than Miku? Is- is Miku any prettier than me? Why Miku? Miku will never love him! She likes Kaito! Everyone knows that! Why doesn't Len? Why? Why-'

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Gumi didn't hear the rest of what Neru had to say. Neru was always talking about Len this and Len that. What was so special about this Len guy? Gumi didn't know him too well, except that people thought he was very cute or something. Before Yuma, Len was the most popular guy in Vocaloid High. No wonder he tried to insult Yuma every time he saw him.

 Neru ranted on. It was the same story every time. So, as the two girls walked through the clear, fresh morning together, Gumi payed no attention to Neru; she just enjoyed how pretty the place looked. 

And, just so Neru thought she was listening, she nodded and said, 'Totally!' once every moment.


'Anyone saw Len?' Neru asked, tapping her phone furiously.

'Neru, I'm right here,' Len waved his arms.

Neru jumped at Len's voice.' Um- oh! Len-sen- I mean, Len! ***! I didn't see you!'

'Umm...Okay. What did you want to tell me?'

Gumi was standing beside Neru, because Neru had dragged her throughout the school searching for Len. She said she would finally tell him about how she felt. Gumi admired her courage, but now it looked like Neru would faint.

'Len... I want you to kn-know t-tha-tah! ***! I can't do this! No!' Neru turned back and ran away.

'Hey! Neru!' Gumi called to stop her, but Neru was fast. 'You said- Urgh!'

'Shy girl, I guess,' Len shrugged.

Gumi turned to him. 'Yeah...'

'Gumi, right?' Len asked.

For some reason, Gumi didn't react right away. She stared at Len.

'Your name is Gumi, right?'

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'Your name is Gumi, right?'

Okay, Gumi was gazing at Len...

'Um, Gumi?'

'Yes?' Gumi yelled, suddenly.

'I- I was just checking if that's your name.'

'Oh. Yes. Hi, Len!'


'Um, yeah! I- I shou- should go! Right now!' Gumi blushed.

'Okay,' Len noticed that Gumi was the color of a tomato. 'Why are you all red?' Len asked, although Gumi knew he knew why.

'Stay away from me!' Gumi yelled and bolted away.


Gumi couldn't believe it. When Len had talked to her, she had felt like she was in a place full of carrots. Was she...?

'NO!' she shouted, pushing the thought out of her head

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'NO!' she shouted, pushing the thought out of her head. 'Ew!'

In this chapter we explore Gumi's world. What has happened to Gumi? Why is she acting strange? Stay tuned to find out!

Also, I need voices for an animation I will make of the prequel to this story! Anyone interested? Your voice doesn't need to sound good (my voice doesn't!) and you can edit it as much as you want.

I must tell you though, getting all the voices may take a really long time, and I may never get all of them. I can't start animating without the voices. So this project may... never happen. Also, I might need to edit your voice (eg, changing pitch/speed/etc) If you still want to voice, though, let me know!

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