Supaisu Girls

172 7 16

'She said she would meet us here,' Gumi tapped the table of the noisy cafe.

The four of them- IA, Gumi, Rin and Miku were squeezed into a tiny table. Around them, all tables were bursting with people; their movement, noise and smell. 

'This place is gross,' Rin crossed her arms.

'There are many people,' Miku noticed, 'but I love it! I've never been here!'

'Luka loves it, too,' Rin informed, bored.

'It's great! Seeing so many people makes me feel happy,' Miku looked around.

'It's great! Seeing so many people makes me feel happy,' Miku looked around

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'I don't like this...' Gumi shifted uncomfortably in her chair.

'You're Gumi, right?' Rin seemed to notice Gumi for the first time. 'The girl who has a crush on my brother?'

Gumi turned as red as a beetroot. She couldn't speak anymore.

'Right?' Rin demanded.

Luka suddenly appeared and plopped down next to Rin. 'Hey, everyone!'

'Hello,' IA replied, finally looking up from her laptop.

'Hi!' Miku grinned.

'Hey,' Rin looked bored.

'Thank you!' Gumi exclaimed, red in the face.

'Sorry I was late,' Luka apologized. 'I ordered cold coffee for everyone!' she made an attempt to

make up for her mistake.

'Why'd you call us?' Rin demanded.

'Well, as you know, there's the Vocaloid High Graduation Dance,' Luka answered, unnerved by Rin's impoliteness. 

'So...?' Gumi tried to predict.

'We got permission to play for it!' Luka blurted.

'Yay!' Miku jumped.

'Cool,' IA shrugged.

'Whatever,' Rin rolled her eyes.

'So... are you guys in?' Luka asked.

'YES!' Miku was brimming with enthusiasm.

'Whatever,' Rin rolled her eyes.

'Sure,' IA answered.

'Awesome!' Gumi looked excited, too.

'OK! Let's get started!'



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