Yohio's Issues and New Song

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'You know what, I should totally abandon that dream,' Yohio slumped on a chair.

'Hey, I was about to sit there!' Yuma crossed his arms.

'Stop arguing,' Gumi twisted her mouth.

'Guys, be peaceful!' Mizki put her hands on her hips.

Rolling her eyes, Gumi jumped back into the bed. Mizki nodded her head and did the same. So did Yuma, although he didn't look to happy about it.

'I mean, she probably doesn't know I'm alive!' Yohio complained.

'Okay, okay, WHO doesn't know you exist?' Mizki asked.

Everyone else looked like their eyes would pop out.

'What?' Mizki asked, as if it was normal to ask that question.

'You don't know what Yohio always talks about?' Yuma asked.

'Don't you know he's a sucker for IA?' Gumi grinned.

'WHAT?' Mizki almost fell off the bed.

'He's a sucker for IA,' Gumi reminded, sneering at Yohio.

'Yeah,' Yohio rumbled, 'I know.'

'Did you know I once tricked Yohio into waiting in a restaurant for hours?' Gumi asked.

'Gumi!' Yohio stood up.

Yuma acted fast; he grabbed the extremely comfortable chair and sat on it.

'Hey!' Yohio looked like he wanted to pick a fight.

'Whoa, if you fight with me I'll tell IA!' Yuma blackmailed

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'Whoa, if you fight with me I'll tell IA!' Yuma blackmailed.

'She won't beleive you,' Yohio grinned.

'Then, I will tell IA!' Gumi exclaimed.

Of coarse, IA would believe Gumi, her most loyal agent, so Yohio just sat on the bed instead.

'Do you think the Purgaloids are fully gone?' asked Mizki, suddenly.

The ambience of the room was suddenly grave.

'Lola will probably try to break Leon free,' Gumi finallly broke the silence.

'What makes you say that?' asked Yuma.

Luka opened the door and walked in right then. Cheerily, she asked,' Hey, what'd I miss?'

Gumi filled all of them in about Lola.


'Whoa, she's pretty mad,' Yohio grinned.

'I think she fell in love with him,' Mizki pondered.

'No, she said he was a friend!' Gumi crossed her arms.

'Hmph!' Mizki fumed. 'Why does everyone have to say that? "I love you, but as a friend!" What the hell! Why can't they just say ONE THING!'

'Are you angry no one likes you?' Yuma teased.

'You don't have anyone!' Mizki fired.

'Yes, I do!' Yuma protested.

'No you don't!'

'Yes he does,' Luka supported.

'WHAT?' Mizki looked flabbergasted.

'Yes, I saw her.'

'Well, then I'm sure she isn't pretty!' 

'Whoa!' Yuma stood up. 'What did you just say?'

All this time, Gumi was very distracted. Because people were talking about love, she thought of how she had felt when she saw Len... 'Not that I love him, though!' she convinced herself.

 'Not that I love him, though!' she convinced herself

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But then again... she noticed that Len did look good... 'He is amazing...' Gumi purred.

'What?' Mizki heard.

'What?' Gumi snapped out of her daze.

'You said "he is amazing"!' Mizki jumped.

'Whoa...' Everyone teased at once.

'NO!' Gumi protested. 'I don't like Len!' 

'Len?' Luka demanded. 'You. Like. LEN?'

'No! It's just- when I saw him today- I felt like, I was- *** NO! What the *** am I saying? I don't *** like *** Len!'

'I think Gumi watched The Departed,' Yuma announced.

'Yeah, she's cussing in every sentence...' Yohio agreed.

'No, ***! I don't *** like Len! I'm ***ing saying the ***ing truth!' Gumi shouted.

'I think Gumi watched The Departed,' Luka announced.

'Yeah, she's cursing in every sentence...' Mizki agreed.

Gumi's mouth was getting VERY out of hand, so finally Luka stopped them all by asking Gumi and Yohio to try out for one of her song lyrics.

'So, the song is 'To My Friend', it's in English, and you guys speak it very well,' Luka said. 'Yuma and Mizki have great voices, but they're terrible at English, you know!'


'Anyways, let's start!'

Luka began to play the guitar in the tune of 'To My Friend'. 

Gumi and Yohio started singing from the script

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Gumi and Yohio started singing from the script. It sounded pretty bad at first but soon they perfected it.

A new Vocaloid song was made!

Thanks for reading!

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