March 11, 2014
Dear friend,
I finally moved. After 5 LONG days of packing and lifting and everything. Thank god I finally moved. This morning for school I didn't know the schedule for my bus and where my new bus stop would be. So I walked a mile to my old bus. God. That.was.stressful. My legs hurt and they're sore. I'm really sleepy and I really really just wanted to stay home doing absolutely nothing and watching my Modern Family or American Horror Story.
I don't really know what to write but while I was moving I noticed something. My dad is only nice to me when he needs something and that pisses me off. Like me and him don't and really haven't ever gotten along. Like ever since I was little. I don't know why. It's always been my sister who really got along with him.
So I'm failing all my classes and that's due to two reasons. 1.) I'm a dumbass or 2.) I'm a dumbass. I haven't really been in school that much last week and for some odd reason I just can't focus on math. Like who the hell cares about fractions or decimals. I'm not going to need to know this when I'm rich and famous. No kidding. But I don't need to know this for real.
Today was a loooong day. It was a nice day actually I hanged out with my friends and just had a good time. I'm actually doing my homework and I'm realllyyyy excited for springbreak next Thursday. It's a week from now. Oh did I tell you I almost got grounded cause in school in my math period my teacher is tired of hearing my "racist", "sexist" and rude comments about everyone in that class. Me and my friend chase always share racist jokes and we also even make racist jokes about ourselves. So my teacher can kiss my fucking ass. He doesn't even know how teenagers talk nowadays. And I admit it, I do make racist jokes about the black, Mexican, and anything else but I don't really mean it. I just say it cause It makes people laugh and even the people I insult with also laugh.
I'm really excited for spring break because I'm from Florida and where I live it gets CROWDED With spring breakers. and I'm hoping to meet and hook up with alooottt of them.