Victory To The Daleks - 'Don't Mess With Me Sweetheart'

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Chapter 6 - Sapphire's P.O.V 'Don't Mess With Me Sweetheart' (Picture Of The Doctor)

A pounding sensenation vibed in my head, making my grit my teeth to stop the pain. My eyes lid were heavy unable to open, i was awake but i felt to dizzy. What the hell did i do last night-

Wait a mintue, then it came all back. The Doctor coming back for me and Amy. Star Ship Uk and World War 2. The Daleks and then Iron side's..teleporting.

Ooh No I thought. My eyes shot open to a bright invading light making me cower away closing my eyes and coverd with my hand "..Stage 2 commercing"A voice crackled, It wasn't human it was more the Daleks.

I opened my eyes again and looked my surrounding. I notice i was in a room, mostly made of metal and compeltly battered and worn out like its been through hell. I build up my strenght and pulled myself and lent against the wall, a Dalek notice me and rolled over to me.

"The female is awake"The Dalek spoke.

"Never.."I mumbled weaky, trying to bring myself 

"Why is she alive?"Another Dalek said as it rolled it self us. That was a good question, the Doctor said they was horrible, ruthless and malicous.

"She is a the Doctor weakness.."The Dalek replied. How was i?, i meet the Doctor as a child i didn't know him that well "..the females heart beat has increased"The Dalek said.

"Oh man"I muttered under my breath.

"She is the Doctors weakness, useful to kill the Doctor"The Dalek on the left said, automaticly i jumped to my feet ingnoring the weakness. Standing infront of the Dalek that said that, glaring into it's eyes.

"You harm the Doctor.You will be sorry because i will hunt you down, all of you. And kill with no mercy and when i do.I'll be smiling"I growled. The Daleks said nothing just straing at me.

"You show angry.."The Dalek replied.

"You thearten to harm the Doctor. Then yeah i'll get little angry"I shouted. I notice how close i stood to Dalek, who i most have been angry to do that. I stepped back from the Dalek.

"You are different. You hold alien technology"The Dalek said.

I snorted "..Whatever Dalek.You can't fool me, but i want to know what is the testimony?"I asked.They was silent and didn't speak "..come on tell me!".

"We do not answer question from humans"The Dalek said.

"Oh!. Go on them kill me!. Since you don't ask my questions. Kill me!. "I shouted, but they didn't move "..What?..are you cowards?"I mocked them.

"Don't mock us, human"The Dalek warned.

"See you won't kill me, because i'm the Doctor's weakness. You think so highly of yourself and you can't kill one man, that pathateic!"I spat. The Dalek snapped, and aimmed it's gun at me and i jumped behind the console hiding from it's fire. It rolled around to me, i jumped to my feet and hid behind one of the near by Daleks, he wouldn't kill his own kind.

"Stop!"One of the Daleks shouted, he immedatily withdrew it's fire. "..The human must stay alive!"The Dalek said, he must be the leader of them.

Then i heard a farmillar sound. A sound that will proabaly save my life. The sound of the TARDIS landing in the Daleks ship. 

"How about that cupper now then?"The Doctor voice called out. Turning to the sound of the Doctor's voice, he walked in proudly with his head held head high.

"It's the Doctor..Exterminate"The Lead Dalek cried. The Doctor immedatilty rumgged into his pocket and pulled soemthing out.

"Wait., wait"The Doctor shouted. He held out in his hands, a biscuit a jammy dodger to be exact. He was thearting three killer mad Daleks with a jammy dodger biscuit "..I wouldn't if i was you. TARDIS self destruct button, my ships goes you go to".

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