The Hungry Earth - Engagement Ring

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Chapter 2 - Amy's P.O.V Engagement Ring

My little sister, Saph and the Doctor ran down the hill like teenagers in love, but in the pit of stomach i felt like it woudn't end well someone would get hurt special in the Doctor's life. I had to forget that and get on with this hectic life style.

"If he can't even get us Rio, how do expect him to take us home?"Rory asked.

The Doctor could take us home, he just got one thing wrong i doubt he wouldn't know when or where to take us home, but then i did see me and Rory years from now on that hill.

"Do you not see over there?.Is all going to be fine"I said, with happy smile.

"After everything we've seen..just drop us back into are old lived the nurse and the kissogram"Rory said to me.

"I guess, coming there getting away"I said as i headed down the small hill, but Rory snagged my hand in his grip pulling me back.

"Hang on.What are you doing with this?"Rory said in stern voice as he looked at my engagement ring.

"Engagement ring i thought you liked me wearing it"I said, in a flirty voice.

"Amy.."Rory warned me " could lose it, it cost a lot of money"Rory said.

"Spoil sport"I said, rolling my eyes. 

"Come on. Amy, Rory!"Saph shouted. The Doctor and Saph were waiting inpatient at the bottom of the hill for us.

"We'll meet you there!"I shouted.

"What?!"Saph shouted back.

"I said i'll meet you there!"I shouted back, slowly.

"Why?, just-"Saph shouted but was cut by the Doctor covering her mouth. The Doctor said something into her ear and she nodded at him,  Saph mouthed back 'okay' to me and walked off down the road hand in hand.

"Pass me the box"I demeaned. Rory passed me the familiar velvet box that always reminds me of the day Rory proposed, a smile appeared on my lips.

"What you smiling at?"Rory asked.

I leaned up and kissed Rory lips "..The day you proposed"I said, and Rory blushed immediately. I placed the box on the TARDIS console and walked out of the TARDIS door and immediately bombarded by a women.

She stood there with a warming smile, she was in her mid ages with black hair high pony tail that showed of the sharp features on her face and made her hazel eyes sparkling "..Well that was quick"She said.

"Was it?"Rory asked, surprised as he closed the door after us. Rory looked down at a young boy who was looking at TARDIS like curious cat.

The young boy was curious young kids always are. He had short curly brown hair and chocolate brown eyes and cheeky, happy grin. He wore a striped yellow and black jersey and brown cargo pants, he had a pair of headphones around his neck.

"It's great that you came"The women said with a small smile of gratitude.

"It's a bit retro,Is it a portable crime lab?"The young boy asked.

"You could say that"Rory said.

"I'm Ambrose, i run the whole meals on wells for the whole valley, that's my son Elliot"She said and Rory waved idiotically at Elliot

"Were are your uniforms?"Elliot asked.

"Don't be cheeky Elliott.It's plain clothes it's the idea isn't it anyway it's over here"Ambrose said and walked of into the graveyard with her son.

"Should we follow her?"Rory asked.

"We follow"I told him, and followed after Ambrose and Elliot.

Considering the fact we could be in sunny Rio that was filled with happiness and not doom and gloom and stuck in the middle of grave yard with strangers that thought we was police officers. 

Ambrose had taken us to a grave and the strange thing was it was dug up and completely empty, has someone robbed it.

"It's a family plot you see my aunt Gladis died six years ago her husband Alan died few back he lived in the house a few doors down not many off us left now"Ambrose said, sadly.

"Mum, they don't care about that they want to know about the dead bodies"Elliot whined.

"Yes sorry.Well they always wanted to buried in the same plot together, when we went to bury Uncle Alan Gladis wasn't there, gone body coffin and all, everything"Ambrose said.

"What?"Rory asked,

"The mad thing is on the surface, the grave is untouched no signs off it having it bin messed with"Ambrose said.

How was the possible?. The only way someone could have took the body and the coffin is that dug it from the top and would have left some trace of evidence.

"I'm sorry i don't understand"Rory said.

"Nobody has touched the grave since my Aunt was buried, but when we dug it open the body was gone.How is that possible?"Ambrose asked, we didn't reply as it confused us as well.

This had to be the most puzzling thing i've come across since traveling with the Doctor and i've seen strange things. However or whatever had taken Gladis they was cunning and clever. Rory stood in the grave looking for clues and jumped up down like the Doctor did, but i don't how that was going to help us now.

"Want sugar?"A voice asked, we snapped are heads up, to see the young boy Elliot standing there looking at us.

"What?"Rory asked, confused.

"In your tea do any off you want sugar, Mum's asking"Elliot said.

"No thanks just white"Rory said.

"The same"I said.

Elliot didn't wander off, he stayed there looking on to the grave with child's curiosity "..There's only one explanation as far as i can see"Elliot said as he paced the side of the grave.

"What's that then?"I asked.

"The graves eat people devour them hole, they leave no trace"Elliot said.

"Not sure about that"I said.

The ground was the ground, there was nothing under but rock and mantle. The ground in some manner was dormant.

"They didn't steal the body from above, they couldn't have got from the sides and the only other thing is they get in from underneath"Elliot said.

"Not very likely though"Rory said.

"When you illuminate the impossible whatever remains how ever improbably must be the truth"Elliot said.

"Sorry?"I asked.

"Sherlock Holmes i got the audio book, the graves 'round here eat people"Elliot said, and then walked off. That wasn't possible, was it?. It was the only logical and no matter improbably it had to be right.

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