The Pandorica Open's - The Pandorica Prisoner

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Chapter 9 - Doctor's P.O.V The Pandorica Prisoner

The Romans were far to specious for liking right at the beginning i thought they was something wrong with them and i was right, they was plastic Romans.

"Plastic Romans. Duplicates, driven by the Nestene Consciousness, eh? Deep cover, but what for? What are you doing? What's in there, eh? What's coming out?"I asked.

I got no reply, the continued to pull me away from the Pandorica the same with Sapphire. Who was more silent then ever, suddenly they stopped making us face away from the Pandorica.

"The Pandorica is ready"The solider said.

"What, you mean it's open?"I asked.

"You have been scanned. Assessed. Understood. Doctor"A heard the deadly sound of a crackling Daleks voice. I turned round slowly dreading to see what i think is there, A white Dalek was stood there glaring at me, a red and yellow Dalek materialize beside it soon.

The Nestenes duplicates turn me and Sapphire roughly around so we was facing the Dalek's, they still kept a strong hold on us.

"Scanned? Scanned by what, a box?"I asked.

"Your limits and capacities have been extrapolated"A robotic voice said, turning round to the sound of heavy feet. 

A Cybermen appeared from the shadow of the Under hedge, two more figures enter the room Judoon and Sontarans "..The Pandorica is ready"Sontarn said.

"Ready for what?"Sapphire asked.

"Ready for The Doctor"The Dalek crackled.

Looking into the Pandorica, to see a chair with wrist restraints. It was for me. The Pandorica was for me, they had lured me here with Sapphire and Amy's memories to lock me into the Pandorica.

I was suddenly tugged towards the Pandorica by the Nestene Soliders, as they pulled Sapphire away from me.They pushed me into the chair and quickly they sealed the clamps around my ankles and wrist bounding me to the Pandorica, and a large yoke around my shoulders. They scurried back away from the Pandorica.

Looking at my enemies that are standing round me, all here to gloat over my end "..You lot, working together, an alliance... How is that possible?"I asked.

"The cracks in the skin of the universe"The Dalek replied.

"All reality is threatened, All universes will be deleted"The Cyberman said.

"What? And you've come to me for help?"I asked. 

"No. We will save the universe from you!"The Cyberman said.

What! Me!, Wasn't i the one trying to save the universe not destroy. They was blinded by the hatred to me and they thought i was the end of the universe.

"From me?"I asked incredulous.

"All projections correlate. All evidence concurs. The Doctor will destroy the universe"The Cyberman said.

"No, no, no. You've got it wrong"I pleaded. 

"The Pandorica was constructed to ensure the safety of the alliance"The Cyberman said.

"A scenario was devised from the memories of your companion's"The Dalek crackled.

"A trap the Doctor could not resist"The Sontarn sneered.

"The cracks in time are the work of the Doctor. It is confirmed"The Dalek said.

None of them were listening to me. All they thought was that i was the reason for the end of universe but it wasn't and they had to let me go, so i could stop this.

"No. no, no. Not me, the TARDIS. And I'm not in the TARDIS, am I?"I asked. 

"Only the Doctor can pilot the TARDIS"The Dalek said. 

"No he isn't River can, and she is in it, and it's exploding"Sapphire shouted, but everyone ignored her.

"Please, listen to me!"I shouted. 

"You will be prevented"The Dalek crackled.  Everyone of them looked at me. Every single one of them hated me and think i was the end of the universe. 

"Total event collapse! Every sun will supernova at every moment in history. The whole universe will never have existed! Please, listen to me!"I shouted.

"Seal the Pandorica"The Cyberman spoke.

"No, Listen to him. The TARDIS is exploding right now and he is the only on that can stop it"Sapphire shouted.

"Silence the human"The Dalek shouted.

Sapphire's eyes widened in shock, suddenly on of the Roman soldiers that restrained her and shot Sapphire straight in her shoulder. Sapphire screamed in pain, as the soldier's step away from her. They all watch as she sways side to side, tears of pain ran down her face. Her legs weakened and she finally collapse to the floor.

"No.. Sapphire"I cried, trying to break from the Pandorica but it was useless the restrains on the wrist and neck was holding me down. 

I took my every last glance at the Sapphire lying on the floor, her eyes looking at me tearful before she slammed then shut and drifted off.

The Pandorica finally slammed shut.

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