Part 43

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Quick thank you to the two new followers, imperialknightEmily and LazariaCole. As always, your support is very greatly appreciated. :)


Kisin cracked his eyes open as gentle fingers brushed a lock of hair off his forehead. "Hey, Mom."

"Hey, Baby." Soft words as her fingers continued to comb his unruly locks.

"I thought I was dreaming, but I guess not. You really came."

"Of course I came, you're my baby."

"Yeah." He grimaced as he pushed himself up right. "How'd you even know to come looking, though?"

Her eyes softened further at his obvious pain, "Jim called me when you didn't check in. Said not to worry, that it might be nothing, no cell service or whatnot, but you know me, I worry." Her gaze fastened on the cloth strips wrapping his torso. "Looks like I was a bit late this time around, though. Did your scaly friend do that?"

Kisin glanced down at the bandages, dark spots of dried blood pockmarked the fabric, evidence of his idiotic attempt at tree climbing. "Itzel? Yeah, he patched me up. Saved my life a couple of times along the way. I think he's something​ like a doctor for his people, or at the very least he's experienced at treating wounds. The stitches are as neat as any surgeon's."

"What happened to you?" Her tone was as soft as ever, but her eyes blazed with a protective fury he'd long since become familiar with and accepted. No matter his age, he'd always be her baby.

He sighed. "What do you know so far?"

"I know you were sent here to look for a snake of some sort. I know you met up with the locals to get more info. I know you were caught out in a bad storm and got hurt, and that you then decided it would be a grand idea to go camping for a few days, alone, in the swamp. And then you went missing. What happened in between all that?"

Kisin leaned to one side, easing his tender body back against the nearest wall as he wished he'd taken Itzel up on his offer of meds earlier, but he wanted to be lucid for this and Itzel's medicines had a tendency to make him very drowsy. "When I first arrived, stories of swamp monsters had already been circling the town for the better part of a week. The locals, of course, were divided on whether these claims held any real validity. Especially considering that most of the stories were coming from the same source, a father and son pair. Both reliable sources in themselves, but the claims were quite outlandish, even for the swamp, so the division stood.

I met up with this pair and had them show me the areas where equipment had gone missing and the sightings. We set a couple traps and returned the next morning, we did this several times with no luck. I was just about ready to give up on that and try another tactic when the storm hit. Lightning, high winds, rain, the works. My boot slipped and I fell into the water. Thought I was going to drowned for sure, but then something very strange happened. A hand plucked me from the water and threw me onto shore. Easy as that." He mimed picking something up and tossing it across the room.

"And you think it was this- what did you call him? Itzel?- You think this Itzel was the one to save you?"

"I do. I caught a brief glimpse of him before he disappeared back into the storm, and I have the scratches and jacket to prove it if you don't believe me."

She waved that off, "No, no. Of course, who else could it have been? Unless there's more of his kind around here?"

Kisin shook his head. "As far as I've seen, he's alone out here."

"Any idea where he came from?"

"Haven't really got that far yet, been a bit busy healing up." He replied ruefully, glancing down at the bandages. He cleared his throat and gestured towards a cup. "Could you get me some water please? Its in that large pot over there."

"Oh, of course." She rose, returning quickly with the requested drink. " And how did you get hurt anyway?"

"I was attacked."

"By who? Itzel?"

"No, not Itzel. Humans. Rebecca Cozentine and her pet thug. They jumped me second day into my solo camp."

"Rebecca? But she's the one who reported you missing!"

Kisin blinked in surprise. "She did what?"

"She reported you missing. I ran into her at the police station when I went to see if they'd started a search yet. She said she and her guide had found an abandoned camp in the swamp. When they searched it, they found clues suggesting it was yours. Apparently, her guide got injured somehow when they were looking for you and they had to get him to a hospital, but she is the one that filed the missing persons report."

"Why the bloody hell would she do that? She's the one who attacked me! Her and that thug Beau! Would have killed me too, if Itzel hadn't intervened!" He growled.

"What? Why would she attack you? You've known each other for years and have never had a problem working together. Did something happen? What would she hope to gain?"

"Hell if I know, but that spiteful harpy hit me over the head with that little club of hers and then had her bully boy use me for carving practice." Kisin fought to calm his breathing as flashbacks of a bloody knife slicing into his skin threatened to overwhelm him. The memory so vivid, Kisin could almost smell the copper tainted air, hear Beau's laughter as he screamed.


The sharp tone tore at the memories and he focused on it, on his mother as she began a stern refrain of reassurances, breaking through the panic with clear unvarnished logic. He was safe. Nothing could hurt him here. Safe.

He leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes, allowing her familiar voice to wash over him as he counted his breaths. In... And... Out... In... And... Out... His breathing slowed as he forced it into the set rhythm, his heart rate dropping alongside it until he could breathe easily once more.

He blinked open his eyes, noting the concern in his mother's eyes that she made little effort to hide. "I'm alright now, thanks. It's just..." He trailed off, not exactly sure what to say next.

"I know, Baby. It's alright now. You're safe." Her eyes hardened, "And we'll get them, don't you worry. Nobody hurts my babies and gets away with it."

Kisin laughed shakily, "You do realize I haven't been a baby for a few decades now, right?"

"Hush, you'll always be my baby and that's not the point."

"It's not?"

"No. The point is that little hussy is so arrogant and self assured that she actually had the nerve to go to the police when she herself is the culprit. Just wait until I get my hands on that scrawny neck of hers..."

He leaned back again, picking up the cup again as he watched his mom fume and plot. "That's premeditation."

She met his eyes. "And? Who's gonna tell? You?"

Kisin held up a hand defensively, "No, no, Just thought you ought to know, that's all."

"Good. Now let me get a look at your ribs before your scaly friend gets back from wherever he slithered off to."

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