• 24 | Reason to tell •

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Alden's POV

"Maine? DOK!~"

He went to Maine's side as he called for the doctor's help. He saw Maine opened her eyes and seem to be looking everywhere to know where she is.

"Maine..." he said with tears in his eyes.

He held her hand and kissed her forehead and after that kiss her eyes closed and the doctors entered.

"What happened?" The doctor said while checking her vital signs.

"She's awake. I saw her opened her eyes and move her fingers."


"Its a miracle she already awake. We were already planning to tell you that we already need to cut her life support because there no signs of improvement but this happened. This is really a miracle."

"Thank you so much Doc."

I was inside Maine's room when her parents was talking outside with the doctor.

Maine is still sleeping and i've been here since she opened her eyes an hour ago. The doctor said that she will wake up in a bit becayse her body is still getting enough rest.

"I'm so thankful...you're alive. Starting now Babe...i'll fight for us. Even when you give up i'll fight for us. I love so much." i said then kissed her forehead. And like a magic, she finally opened her eyes.

"Babe? It's me."

She was silent, like she's scanning my face to know who is the person standing next to her.

She opened her mouth like she's trying to say something.

"What is it?"

She was still trying to talk but then i started to notice that she was breathing fastly like she went to run many kilometers.

"Do you want water?" I said as i look in her eyes.

She nodded.

I immediately gave her water and help her drink it.

She drank 3 glasses of water.

"Thank you." She said. I bet her throat was really dry that she is able to talk now.

"Do you know me?"

"Yes of course"

Why do i feel something bad. It feels like she does not know me.

"If you know then who am i?" She looked at me.

"You're the man who's making this beat so fast right?" she said while pointing to her heart.

"And you're also the man who broke this one."

That hits me.

"I think we need a break Babe."

"No please don't say that." i said as i held her hands.

"We need to Babe. This would be the only way that we can realize that we are really meant for each other."

"We are meant to be together!"

"How can you be so sure about it?"

"Why don't you believe?" i said in a sad  tone.

"Yes i do...but that was before. I trusted you so much but it caused me pain to know that you don't trust me."

"No Babe. I do trust you."

"How can you say such thing if you yourself didn't trust me upon that bouquet issue. You said so many things that hurt me. Why didn't you trust me that its only you and for GODSAKE those flowers we're sent because we will have a highschool reunion. You should have listened but what...you refused to listen to my explanation!"

.Ang SAKIT mong MAHALIN.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon