The confession

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Stephen's P.O.V
I see Kaecilius and his two followers putting their hands together to make a shard of crackling energy, like a long blade. I stand in front of them preparing myself for battle. Suddenly I feel myself being throwned against the wall and fall on my knees. Kaecilius starts to move his hand to form an energy blade, which he fires against my chest. I feel my body going all numb and my vision starts to go black.

Your P.O.V
You and Mordo are standing in the middle of a dark, stone walled cell. Stephen is leaning against the wall.

"Stephen!!", you say kneeling beside him.

He weakly looks at you, "Y/n...?"

You can't repress the urge to hug him tight.

"Y/n... please... it hurts...", he weakly cries out.

"Oh I'm so sorry!", you immediately pull back from the hug, "Where does it hurt?"

"In my chest", he groans a bit.

"Don't worry Strange we're gonna get you out of here."

"No.. You and Mordo must go. I can't risk getting you hurt because of me."

You cup his face with your hands, "I'd do anything for you Stephen... I know this may sound a bit rushed because we haven't known each other for that long but... but I think I love you."

Stephen remained silent, it was a lot to process after all. You just stayed there, waiting for a response.

"Um sorry for interrupting the moment love birds, but we really gotta go before Kaecilius finds out we're here", Mordo awkwardly says.

"Oh right...", you saiy, a bit frustrated by Stephen's silence, "We'll help you getting up."

You and Mordo help Stephen standing, as he's too weak to do it himself.

"Ok Y/n, now get us out of here", Mordo says.

You concentrate yourself and form a portal that leads back to kamar-taj.

As you enter the Ancient One's room, she quickly stands up, surprised, "Stephen! Y/n I told you not to get envolved!"

The truth is that you've never seen the Ancient One this angry.

"I know and I'm sorry but I couldn't just stand still while Stephen was rotting in a dark cell!"

"You have no idea of what you've done!", she then turns to Mordo, "Please take Stephen to his room, he has lost a lot of strength and needs rest."

Mordo nods, obeying.

"Y/n you were extremely reckless."

"But why? All I did was save Stephen! Kaecilius wasn't even there."

"Y/n you don't get it..."

"Then explain it to me!", you shout. But after realizing that you're freaking a bit, you lower your voice, "...please... I just want to help."

"Y/n the truth is that you're very powerful. Probably even more powerful than me."

"...W-what..? But I'm not even that good... I just want to get my hands back."

"Listen, we didn't come to rescue Strange sooner because we weren't strong enough... Kaecilius had protected the place with some old magic. Now he knows we have someone strong enough to break such a powerful kind of spell. And he'll come for you Y/n."

"Well if I'm that powerful then I can defeat him right?"

"You're not ready yet Y/n."

"Then I'll train more."

"It's not something that you achieve from day to night. It requires many practice."

"Mordo and Stephen will help me."

"...Are you sure Y/n? It's an enormous commitment."

"I am."

~~le time skip~~

You enter Stephen's room.

He's on his bed, still looking a bit weak.

"How you feeling?", you say while sitting on the bed and placing your hand on top of his.

"Better", he gives you a small smile.

You stay in silence for a few moments.

"Listen Y/n... about earlier...", he says.

"You don't have to say anything... It's ok if you don't feel the same", you say looking away.

"No Y/n, I do feel the same. From the moment I've met you that I find you different from everyone else and I just love that about you."

You smile.

Stephen grabs your jaw gently, leading your face closer to his, and kissing you.

You kiss deeply and passionately, until he pulls back, "I love you too Y/n", he whispers.

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