Little trains and cloaks

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Your P.O.V
I place my hands together, forming an energy ball, and throwing it to Mordo, who falls backwards.

I offer my hand to help him getting up.

"You're getting better Y/n", he says while taking it.


We keep on training for a few hours.

I've been training at least 4 hours everyday. The truth is that I'm terrified...! I'm terrified of Kaecilius appearing at any second and I ain't ready for him.

After practice I go to my room to take a shower.

I know I'm under extreme pressure because of Kaecilius and all, but as I feel the hot steaming water running down my body, all my muscles relax.

I step out of the shower and put on a (Your favorite color) dress. I'm going to see Strange now and bring him dinner. I know it's not exactly a date but I feel the need to dress up nicely.

~~le time skip~~

After stopping by the cafeteria to get some soup, I carefully walk through the hallways, trying my best not to drop the board.

With one hand I hold the board, and with the other I knock on Stephen's door.

"Come in", I hear from the inside.

I enter the room, finding him working out in his room.

"Stephen Strange! Come back to bed this instant!"

He looks up at me, "Im sick of being in bed all day, I wanna fight Kaecilius!"

"And you will. You just need a little bit more rest first."

He eventually nods, and goes to lay down on his bed.

I smile him and he smiles me back, but it vanishes when his eyes travel from my face to the board in my hands, "Y/n you didn't have to bother, I can walk tot the cafeteria by myself y'know."

"I know you can, but I just wanted to spoil you a little."

He chuckles and I lay the board on the bedside table, grabbing a spoon, "C'mon now open your mouth for the little train."

"Y/n I'm not a child anymore..."

"I wouldn't be so sure", I tease with him, "Now open your mouth."

He rolls his eyes and does what I say.

~~le time skip~~

After Stephen finishes his soup, I choose a movie from his DVD collection and play it on my computer.

I seat on a chair, that's next to his bed.

"You look very pretty tonight Y/n."

I turn my head to see Stephen looking at me.

"Thank you", I say blushing.

"Well as you do everyday actually.."

I smile and lay down to give him a kiss.

~~le time skip~~

I walk throught the corridor who leads to the Accident One's room.

As I step on the room she gestures me to approach her.

She's holding a really big red cloak.

"Hello, you wanted to see me?"

"Indeed. Y/n it has come to my attent that you are making a significant progress."

"Well thank you. I think I really am improvin-"

"However", she cutts me off, "You still have a long path to go."

I stay silent and nod.

"But I think you are ready."

"Ready for what exactly?"

She hands me the cloak, "This Y/n, is the cloak of levitation."

I take it. It feels like holding a feather.

"I believe it will be very useful."

I smile.

"Go on. Putt it on", she says.

I putt the cloak on and it starts levitating me a few inches from the floor.

It starts moving like crazy, "You need to control it Y/n! Become one with the cloak."

I concentrate on levitating and the cloak calms down.

The Ancient One nods, smiling.

~~le time skip~~

After exiting the Ancient One's room, I go to the training area.

"Alright let's see what this baby can do..."

I start levitating higher, and higher until I'm at the level of the roof.

I start moving forward.

It feels like I'm flying.

It feels amazing.

I've never felt so free.

Doctor Strange X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now