chapter seven // modeling isn't my thing • a new friend

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//aurora anesthesia//

"no, Sprouse. we're not going to have one of those cliché scenarios." i disagreed.

"aww, come on, ice princess." he nudged me.

"are you seriously a fan of those cliché scenarios? don't call me ice princess."

"no! i think it will blend nicely in the story." not trying to have an eye contact with me.

"little did you know, her name's not Sarah." i smirked remembering what happened earlier.

he looked at me as if i'm kidding, i glared at him, "i am not kidding."

my phone started ringing, without looking at the caller, i answered. "hello? this is Moonlight, from the Heartbeat club. how may i help you?"

"what the hell, Aurora." Soren snickered.

"what do you need?" i demanded. Soren, being the party pooper he is.

"you're with Cole?"

"obviously. spending two hours in the counseling room with him, now i have to work my project with him." i glanced at Cole who looked amused.

"aunt Kate wants Cole to have a dinner with us tonight." hinting his hesitation while telling me.

"why does she want to meet him?" closing my eyes.

"no idea, plus i asked Cole to come over tonight."

"what?! are you insane?" i asked hysterically.

"hehe i am sorry, Aurora. you have to go home now."

"whatever. bye." i said and ended the call.

"i heard you're coming over." looking at him.

"tell mum, i'm not going to join the dinner. tell her i'm full." as i lay my body on my bed.

"but she'd be mad at me," hinting the worry in his voice.

"i doubt, you're her nephew. just tell her i'm tired and all," i rolled my eyes.

"fine, but you owe me." Soren sighed and i nodded. from that, i fell asleep.

i opened my eyes and yawned, "that stinks." a voice appeared.

my sleepy self mentally became awake, "what are you doing here?"

"i think somebody else needed that peppermint gum that lasts about twenty-four hours." he smirked.

"says the one who looks like a baboon, i see no difference." i said sarcastically.

"what made you use the baboon as an example always? are you secretly obsessed with baboons?" he rose an eyebrow.

i shot him a glare, "everytime i see you, you remind me of a baboon." i shot back.

"now you're using babo–"

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