chapter two // unfamiliar guy that's strange

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//aurora anesthesia//

after being called by my wonderful sister, i went back to our house. i opened the main door to reveal my parents talking on the living room. i looked at them, mum looked back. dad gave me a nod, "how is my Aurora been doing lately?"

"fine." i answered. dad gave me a reassuring smile, he must've known about mum and i's conversation last night.

"are you sure, Aurora?" his eyes filled with concern. i tried relaxing my temples, "yes." i sharply replied.

"Aurora, i have to talk to you privately." Mum spoke looking at my father, my dad stood up from his seat, "okay, i'll leave you two." he mumbled and left the living room.

i went near to my mum, but i stood still even though she gestured me to sit beside her. "i know you're happy spending time in that mini café, but i think–" i cut her off.

"you're not going tell me what to do, what to stop doing. you, thinking that it's the best if i quit spending time in the café." she look surprised. i regained my posture and sent her a cold look.

"and you can't stop me, Aurora! I'm your mother!" she started to look furious.

"since when?" i gritted my teeth.

"stop being so immature, Aurora! you're seventeen years old! i will always be your mother! i took care of you! what did i deserve to have a daughter like you? no wonder, a lot of people like Amanda more than you." she gave me a disgusted look.

"you took care of Amanda. a nanny took care of me." i spat.

"you have no rights to speak to me like that!" she bursted.

"so you started using the mother label again," i chuckled.

"maybe that's why i raised Amanda in a whole lotta good way. what did the nanny do?" she raised an eyebrow.

i let out a fake laugh, "you make me laugh." i started to walk away.

"we're not yet done, Aurora. don't even try to walk away!" she called out.

"the last time i checked, we were already done." i shot her a glare and walked up to my room.

i kicked off my boots, and i stared at my balcony. letting my mind wander, in the cloudy weather.

•   •   •   •   •

i walked through the corridors not expecting to bump into Stella Williams, the queen bee/mean-girl-wanna-be.

"watch it." i hissed.

"and who are you to talk to me like that?" she threw a disgusted look.

"don't even start." i briefly replied.

"look bimbo, i don't know who you are. but i totally don't like you right now. if you keep on acting brave to me, you won't like it very much." she sweetly smiled. right, a reputation to uphold.

i intentionally bumped her shoulder while i started to walk away, but she grabbed my elbow. "what the hell do you need?!" i coldly look straight at her eyes.

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