Chapter 18 - He's Back

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~Emily's POV~

I moved slightly to get more comfortable in bed.

"You're awake?" Jasper whispered. "Good."

"I'm still tired," I groaned and rubbed my temples. "What time is it?"

"2 P.M., you've been asleep for a while," he replied and got off of the bed.

"Why didn't you wake me up!" I yelled and jumped off of the bed.

I grabbed my robe off of the doorknob and ran downstairs.

"Oh, you're awake!" Helena giggled while playing with Kaden.

"Yeah, yeah," I mumbled.

I sat down on the couch and turned on the television. I turned up the volume and put on the news.

"This is not just made up. A monster.. A demon, it's here." The news reporter whispered. 

"I've heard of a guy named Mr.Harmon, he is a demon, but I believe he is gone now." The woman mentioned.

"Nope," A familiar voice laughed. "He's still here. And so is his daughters."

"Who are you?" The lady asked.

"I am Abby, of course. Mr. Harmon's daughter," she laughed. 

"Impossible!" The man yelled and snatched his mic out of her hand. "Anyways folks, that is al-"

Then the news turned off and I could hear screaming. My eyes began to tear up. They are hunting me down. They are going to find me. I said to myself. Everyone is going to get hurt because of me.

Helena came over and sat besides me. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"It will all be okay," she comforted and hugged me. "Don't worry."

I gave her a weary smile and hugged her back. "I hope," I whispered.

I let go of her and walked to the kitchen. I made some pancakes and threw a bunch of syrup on top of it.

"Emily!" Helena laughed. "You are going to get fat if you eat all of that!"

I laughed and threw on a couple strawberries. "Better?"

She shook her head. "Whatever," she laughed.

I stuffed my mouth full of food and washed the dishes.

"Emily!" Jasper screamed. "Emily!"

"Jasper, are you alright?!" I yelled.

I ran up the stairs and went into my bedroom. 

"I'm over here," Jasper laughed insanely with a bloody knife in his hand.

"Oh, lovely Jasper's body is so nice," he snickered. "Too bad you couldn't save him."

"Let him go! He has nothing to do with this!" I screamed and ran towards him.

He used his powers and threw me against the wall, making me cough up blood. I screamed in agony hoping Helena and Kaden would hear me.

"There's no use, Emily. They can't hear you," he mumbled. 

"Now then, Emily. Let me remind you one more time," he laughed. "It's all your fault."

"No!" I screamed. "It's not my fault!"

"Yes it is," he replied and threw me against another wall. "Everyone is going to die because of you, and I'm going to start with Jasper."

"No!" I screamed again. 

I felt something surging through my veins. I felt power for once in my life. I made a ball of light appear in my hand and I threw it at Mr.Harmon.

He laughed even louder. "Emily, this isn't my body."

I looked at him and fell to the ground. "No!" I screamed. "I can't do anything, can I?!"

He shook his head and sat down besides me. "Emily, just do it," he mumbled.

"I-I but," I stuttered and put my hands over my face. "I can't do this."

"Then do it, it feels wonderful!" He insisted.

"Dad, oh come on!" Someone growled behind me. "Just force her to do it!"

"I would, but she's my daughter," he whispered and looked at her.

"Not your real one though!" She spat. "Just do it!"

He sighed. "Fine."

He grabbed me by my neck and looked strait into my eyes. 

"Goodbye, Emily," he mumbled before everything went black.


Welp, he's back! I wonder what's going to happen to Jasper! :o

 I'm low on ideas here. Does anyone have any ideas for the next chapter?

Anyways, please point out any spelling errors/things that make no sense. 

Next chapter should be out in a few days! ^-^

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