Athira's Help

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Aryza took out the scroll. Whats in it? What is the magical forest? What does the shard do? She opened the scroll and read it.

Hello, Aryza, my warrior,

As you are reading this, you probably found the shard. What you need to do is walk to the edge of the boundary, place the shard on the wall, then wait. The wall will open up and a challenge will lay ahead. Perhaps you could pass that challenge. Or not. I hope to see you on the other side. Maybe. When you cross, come talk to me. It is very dangerous. Be aware of the magical forest. I presume you don't need to know what I look like, but just in case, I am the one with the black and white wings. I would wish you luck, but you only need skill.

From your "friend",


She looked at the instructions. What was the challenge? She made her way to the boundary. With the shard in her hand, she placed it on the wall. 

The wall opened up and revealed a path. In contrast to the red-orange area of the Death Grounds, the vile green color was very different in contrast. It seemed to be a river, surrounded with tall trees. Aryza instantly loved it, despite the almost-radioactive look tho the place. Is this the magical forest that The Keeper was talking about? 

The forest held the river, and in that river was a boat. It looked harmless enough, so she walked in. She put the scroll in her pocket and touched the ends of the paddles. The boat seemed to take of without her. Despite the warning, she slowly relaxed and let the river carry her to the other side. Why did Athira sound so worried?

Then she saw it. Jumping out of the green water, there was an animal with the body of an alligator and the vicious eyes of a murderer. It was after her. She had a realization. How can it kill me if I am already dead? Carefully treading the edge of the boat, walking precariously close to the water, she threw herself in. 

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