Preparing for the Unknown

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Aryza woke up. In her groggy state,  looked around the room. It looked like hers, but the colours didn't match. She looked at the bedside table. She noticed a picture and the blue and green shards next to it. Remembering the challenges from before, she looked at the picture. It seemed to be a picture of her. Her eyes were finally adjusting to the light.

The closer that she looked at the picture, she realized it was a younger version of herself. Their was also a girl next to her. At first, it seemed like it could have been her sister, but soon she realized it was her old friend, Hannah. That brought back a whirlwind of emotions from her dream.

Once she was out of her trance-like state of staring at the photo, she got out of bed and looked around. On her bed their was a yellow comforter surrounded with light blue walls, almost the same colour of the shard. Next to the bed was a bedside table, where the shards and the photograph laid. Besides the table was a small dresser. A few more pictures were spread across the dresser and they seemed to be of Athira.

Across from the dresser was a small desk with a lamp on it. She walked over to it. It seemed that their was a small book on it with the name of "Jigsaw". Besides the book, their was a hat. In the corner next to the door was a recliner. She walked over to the door and saw a note.

Good day, Aryza,

Feel free to take some clothing out of the dresser and the bathroom is around the corner. I am in the big room across the hall. Tell me if you need anything. Anyway, please take a shower as you smell like a horse.

Your friend,


She walked over to the dresser and looked inside. Their was an array of purple and black clothing and lots of interesting jewelry. She seemed really happy. Perhaps these colours were put here on purpose. Perhaps these colours were Athira's, too.

After looking through all of the clothing, she settled on a black and purple flannel, a modest black cross top and a pair of black ripped "skinny" jeans. Perfect. She went into the bathroom to get ready. After taking a shower, she went and looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was an absolute mess! She brushed it for what felt like ever. After finally taming the wild knots that consumed her face, she realized that she needed to fix it.

Once she styled her "emo bangs" into a side fringe, she looked for something to pin it back. After deciding on the grey flower crown she picked up her old clothes and went to the living room. Athira was sitting in the corner with the spectacles perched on her nose. She was buried into a book, her mind completely wandering. After realizing she was no longer alone, she started talking to Aryza.

"So, what did you think of the clothes?" she asked, not daring to take her eyes out of the book.

"How did you know that my favorite colours were purple and black? Also, how did you get so many of my favorite styles? It was awesome to see a dresser filled like that. It was practically paradise," Aryza replied.

"Well, I mean, everyone has to have their own style, right? Especially in a place with so many people," responded Athira.

"Well, if that was the case, then how come you're only the second person that I've met?" Aryza rebuttled.

"In that case, let's go see some people! But first, let me go get you some better shoes." She walked down the corridor and went into another room. After a few minutes, she came out with a pair of black and purple New Balance shoes and a grey sweatshirt. 

"Take these. Put them on before we go. I'm going to go grab my things. Do you need anything else?" asked Athira.

"Some food would be nice," commented Aryza.

Aryza put on the shoes. Just the perfect size. How did Athira know that? Was she some type of wizard or something? Just as she finished, Athira came back with a backpack strapped around her wings two muffins in her hands.

"Ready to go? We can eat on the way." They walked out of the house closing the door behind them. She looked around and noticed the land. Everything seemed just a bit brighter around here.

A/N: I hoped you liked this chapter! I know it was kind of useless, but it was a much needed break from the last chapter. What do you think of Athira? What do you think is going to happen next? Let me know down below! :)


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