The Girl with an Unknown Past

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Aryza's POV

She was starring, looking of the sides. Wind swirled around her, bringing color into her light freckled skin. Her hands were on the rail. Looking precariously down, I felt helpless. The way she felt and the way I couldn't comfort her. It was driving me insane.

"Hannah. You can't do this. Not to me, not to Maddie, not even to yourself. Please, hear me out. Hannah, get back onto the other side of the rail, now!"

I had already called the police. I needed to just wait here for them to come. I knew this would happen. How could I not help her, even during the time I needed it most. I am terrible. Absolutely worthless. I don't even deserve to be her friend.

Don't do it.

She just stared at me. No light in her deep blue eyes. She looked soul-less. 

Don't jump, Hannah.

She just stood there. Her hand still holding on to the rail, her feet were still precariously over the edge. She looked down, without even a trace of fear on her face.

You have so much to live for.

I willed her with every thing I had. I needed her to stay, even if it was the last thing I did. There wasn't any way I could ever  live without her. She was the only one who understood.

I heard the sirens. I could spot a couple police cars and an ambulance. I breathed a sigh of relief. But before I could even catch a break, I heard a scream. And then a thud. My entire world crashed around me. I fell down, my knees buckling around me. Every thing went black.


Soon enough, the world seemed to come back. I saw a a girl. She wore what seemed to be black and white wings. She had light skin and light hair. I also noticed that she pressed a cool cloth into my face. I was sweating and my eyes were red and puffy. I remember my dream and started bawling.

I had no idea I was this weak, and letting someone see me like this, was just pure humiliating. I have no idea why I thought about that incident. Perhaps it was from me jumping off of the boat.

"Oh, I see that you are awake, my dear Aryza. You look startled. Tell me what is wrong. I found you in the river and you were asleep. When I brought you back, you were screaming and crying. What happened?" said the girl with the wings.

"Well, there was an alligator-like creature in the water and I couldn't escape, so I just jumped in. There was no way I could escape. After that, I blacked out. I don remember anything after that." I told the girl.

"Well, that's not what I meant. By the way, I'm Athira. I am here to assist you in your challenge. I don't really think you can defeat it if you are upset. Tell me what you were dreaming."

And so I told her. I told her everything about Hannah. About her life. About her decision not to live. Everything. It felt so good to let it out, and so good to have someone finally understand.

"Well, Aryza. I am glad you were able to trust me. For that, you deserve the shard. I was supposed to give you the courage shard, but I think I will give you the trust one. Because I am supposed to guide you, I think we shall take a detour before taking you to the next challenge. For now, rest up and come see me when you wake up. I will probably be in the main room. Be sure to get rested because there will be a surprise in store," replied Athira.

I wonder what the surprise is. I walked around the room. It was really similar to mine, but with different pictures and different styles of colour. This was nice, a bit of familiarity. I went and sat on my bed, thinking of the events of the day. Was it even a full day? I pondered this until I was to tired to think anymore. I peacefully slept, rewinding and recharging my mind, waiting for the next thing to come.

A/N: I'm so sorry for the long break between this chapter and the last. This chapter changed a lot from my original version of the story. I also was really dreading publishing this one, as it was a bit deep. So, what do you think so far? What do you think is going to happen next? P.S. I wrote this in Aryza's POV because it was too hard to write in third person. Sorry...


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