Soul Keepers

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"And my last name is Hanger. Cliff Hanger. Yep. My parents were extremely creative," Cliff said. Aryza started to realize how similar Athira and Cliff looked. All of their features matched almost identically.

She asked, "How did you guys meet? You guys look so similar. Are you related or something?"

They turned and looked at each other, "Well, yeah. We are actually cousins. No one ever pick up on it, though," commented Athira.

"Really? It seams really obvious. Anyway, how did you guys know to meet up here? Like, isn't it cool how you know everyone?" said Aryza.

"Aryza, we have phones. It only works on the level you are on, though. That means that Athira had to come down to our level to message us. Surprising," Cliff responded.

"What are levels? And where can I get a phone? And how did you guys all get here at the same time?" Aryza asked.

Hannah proclaimed, "Whoa, slow down there! As for the levels, those are the layers that everyone lives on. This is the third one you have been to so far. The top layer is the Overland, the second one is the Soul Key Land, the third one is the Land of the Most Recent Beings, and they go down a long time. No one quite knows how many there are, but there is one for every generation, every group of animals, and several for just hanging out and mixing groups. Then there is the final level. That is the one that no one talks about. The people who are in there are those who broke their Soul Keyes. It makes me cringe to even think about it."

She started to think. The levels were confusing, but she figured she could ask Athira more about them later. What were Soul Keyes? She had definitely heard the term before, but couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"What the heck are Soul Keyes?" she blatantly stated.

Cliff answered, "So you know how you are dead? Well, your Soul Key makes it seem as if you are still living. It is almost like a portal; you can only enter if you have a key. You get that key by dying. Everyone here is dead."

"If you break your Soul Key, you will go to the lowest level. Apparently, it is completely dark in there, and the only audible noises in there are screams. I heard about it from a Soul Keeper. It must have been rough," said Hannah.

"What the heck is a Soul Keeper?" Aryza asked.

"Well, Soul Keepers are in charge of Soul Keyes and Soul Shards. I am one of them. In order to be a Soul Keeper, you must retrieve your Soul Key. Since the keys lead to a portal, it means that you can go to any layer you want. Including the Overworld," said Athira.

"The Overworld is the place where the Living live," Cliff said.

"How does that work?" asked Aryza.

"Will you stop asking questions? You'll learn as you go along," said Hannah. 

"C'mon Hannah. Loosen up a bit. I need to go to the musical center. I need to check up on Chester. Anyone want to come?"

"Well, I know that Hannah and I are busy, but Aryza is free," said Athira.

"I guess we're off then,"Aryza responded. They walked out of the building. Hannah and Athira were still sitting on the chairs.

Hannah said, "I ship them already."

A/N: I am so sorry for not posting (the two of you who read this). I have been having problems with Wattpad and Google Docs so it's impossible to write on the computer. Don't worry though because I'm getting a new computer soon! Also, I've been working on another story! It will be teen fiction. What do you think of #Claryza? I ship it ;).  If you have gotten this far comment banananas. Thanks for reading!!

*_*  Lion

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