Chapter IV: Where my new life begins

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(Hey so the first few parts think of them kind of like a prolog or whatever lol. But yeah enjoy!!😙 And don't judge my drawing skills the pic up top is Kibo)


We all sat in silence at the table for dinner back at my kingdom. Ja'far was the first to speak. "Sin what do we do about the girl, she is sure to be confused and might hurt someone."

"Ja'far" I began "She won't do anything and she can't..." I was cut off by one of the guards entering the dinning hall. "Ummmm King Sinbad"

"Yes?" I asked unsure of what was to come.

"Well ummm, the woman you brought." He said but stopped and I questioned "Is she awake."

"Well you see she is..." I cut him off "Well that's great let's go meet her."

"King Sinbad the thing is she's up but, w-when we went to see if she was awake she was.....gone" He whispered. I stopped in my tracts and all of us froze.

"Come again." I asked "we don't know where she is." He said.

We all sat there in silence all of us processing what he just said. When I finally came back I mumbled a "shit" then said "We have to find her come on."

I walked to her room first to make sure he wasn't lying which sadly he wasn't. I opened her door and nobody was inside.

I sighed and told everyone to go and find her and quick. "Where could she have gone, there were guards everywhere." I thought.

Kibo's POV:

I woke up with a grown and my eyes slowly fluttered open. I sat up and looked around.

"Where am I." I thought. "I don't know but I'm getting out of here, it's to fancy." With that I jumped out the window of the room and free falled.

I gracefully landed on the floor thanks to my djini and took off to the town.

Once I arrived I noticed everyone was happy. "Huh, this is new." I walked around the town and while walking I accidently got lost.

I stumbled into the center of town and saw the castle. "How did I get so far." I thought sighing. (You may be wondering why she's not freaking out. It's because she's used to being dragged and waking up in random places sooo.

I was going to walk back when a little group of kids came up to me. "Hi lady." One said them walked up to me. "We were just wondering if we could braid your hair.

"There all so carefree." I thought. To be honest I didn't care what they did so I sat down and they giggled and went to work.


While they did there thing which was taking a while but oh well. I noticed the same red haired girl from before looking around.

She spotted me and came over. "What." I growled. "We were all looking for you." She said looking at the laughing kids.

"Why did you save me?" I asked curiously but still straight faced. "Because we wanted to save all of you, me especially, I used to be a slave to." She talked and stopped when one of the kids came up to me.

"We're all done and I love your hair." When she said that u looked back. They braided my hair fishtail style. It also had many different types of shells and flowers. It had a band that was also decorated with shells.

"Thank you." I said getting up. My hair was shorter then before and out of my face which was a nice but weird change. I turned to the girl I believe is named Morgiana " Are you going to take me back now."

She seemed to stare at my hair then looked at me and nodded her head. We started to walk off to the castle.

We arrived at the palace and when we walked in I was I'm circled by palace guards then taken back to my room.

When we arrived at my room they told me to go inside and I did as told. When I walked inside I sat on my bed. "3,2,1" I counted down then my door swung open.

"Where were you all day." Ja'far yelled. I just stared at him with a blank look. "Come with my Sinbad wants to talk with you.

I got up and followed Ja'far and the guards followed us. "I could easily take them all out, but I'm tired soo." I thought.

We reached our destination and when we walked in I was meet with a huge table and everyone seated around it. "Ahh if it isn't the runaway woman." Sinbad laughed.

"Come,come sit down with us." He said still smiling while pointing at a seat by him. I instead went to the opposite side of the room and leaned on a pillar.

He seemed to sigh a little but kept the huge smile plastered on his face. He then made a toast "I make a toast to our new friend Kibo welcome to the palace." With that everybody clanked cups and enjoyed the party.

I stayed in my spot not moving and nobody messed with me. "Good nobody is messing with me for now." I thought. I spoke to soon because Sinbad got up and told me to follow him.

I did as told, it's just the way I was told so. We walked onto the balcony and leaned against it. "I meant what I said you know." Sinbad said.

"I don't care." I grumbled. Sinbad had a fake arrow go through his heart. "Why not." He asked.

"Because there's no point, I don't care what happens to me. You should have left me there." I told him.

"Why would I do that when I can have a beautiful woman to be one of my generals." He said. I kind of blushed but then said "Whatever."

He then laughed and the party went on.

(Hope you enjoyed once again don't judge drawing skills lol) 😜😝😙

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