Chapter Eight

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They arrived half an hour early to the convention center. After flashing the entrance people their passes, they went inside and down a long hallway. The building was absolutely giant and the room was even bigger. Emily wasn't going to try and question how they even afforded to rent the room. She followed them up to the long table which was set up on stage. 

"Are you guys really this famous?" She winced at how terrible the words sounded.

"Well, I have two million subscribers." James set his backpack and water bottle down. "Does that give you an idea?"

"Unfortunately." She frowned and then sighed. "I feel like such a tag-along, you know? Like I don't belong here." 

"Emily, you totally belong here!" Aleks smiled and adjusted his beanie.

"Yeah." The other Creatures agreed with similar smiles.

"It still feels weird." She plopped down in a chair.

"That's my spot." Dan looked down at her with a straight face. "You can't sit there."

"Why not?" Emily tilted her head.

"Oh God." Jordan started laughing. "Not The Big Bang Theory!"

Emily laughed and got up, tripping over the chair leg in the process. James caught her by the arm before she fell. He smiled at her and caught a slight glimpse of her blush. He glanced at Jordan and saw him nod. He let out a tense breath and shook himself loose. He needed to act like himself. The real him.

"Do I have to stand?" Emily couldn't help but giggle when she saw everyone had a chair.

"You can sit on the table." Eddie cackled and then grinned mischeviously. "Ooh! No, you can sit on James' lap!"

"Come here." James opened his arms with a laugh.

Nervously, Emily sat down on his knee, only to be scooted back onto his enitre lap. He bounced his knees and she laughed shakily. 

"You're so shy!" Aleks cooed, tweaking her nose.

"Not when you piss me off!" She took a pen from the table and hurled it at him.

"Was that the wasp pen?" Dan laughed.

"Wasp pen?" She tilted her head. "Should I ask?"

"Jordan stabbed a wasp nest with it." James said, reminding Emily that she was sitting on him. "He almost got himself stung."

"Smart." Emily rolled her eyes. "I would have kicked it."

"Even smarter." Jordan replied with a snort. 

"Guys!" Dan said suddenly and pointed to the door. "Look who it is!" 


They laughed and Emily saw him running down the middle asile. The Tobuscus. She glanced down and sighed with relief when she remembered that she was wearing her Creeper shirt. She giggled when he gave a brother like hug to each one of the creatures. However, he stopped in front of her.

"Who's the chick?" He asked.

"Emily!" She answered a little too quick. 

"You're a fan, aren't you?" He smirked slightly.

"How can you tell?" Her eyes widened. 

"Your phone case says 'Mini Minotaur' on it." He pointed to her IPhone case, which was sticking out of her pocket slightly.

Everyone laughed when she turned bright red.  James smiled, but his eyes gave off a dark, jealous gleam that only a few people saw. Emily grinned as she shook his hand.

"So, you guys got the panel spot I wanted." He grumbled.

"Toby," Dan laughed. "We didn't want the spot, it was graciously given to us by MineCon officials."

"Well, whatever!" Toby shrugged with a smile. "I have to get going and prep for my stage thingamalingabalingy. See you!"

They all waved him off and started to chat again. When people finally started to come in, they sat down and Emily took her place on James' lap again. He seemed happier with her there. Her eyebrows knitted together at the sight of people pointing at her and James.

"Welcome guys!" Jordan's greeting was practically drown out by the screams from their fans. "We know you have a lot of questions, so put those hands in the air where I can see 'em!"

"And for those of you who were dragged here by a friend or significant other," Dan said, getting a few laughs from the audience. "We are The Creatures, and we are a group of youtubers consisting of eight people. Our names are right there..."

He pointed to the papers hanging off the tables that had everyone's name on it.

"And we provide enthralling videos of ourselves playing games and add commentary along with it." Dan finished off.

"And for all you stupid people out there," James smiled. "We play video games and rage."

When people started laughing, Emily glanced over her shoulder at James. She was slightly shocked at how popular he seemed to be amongst the fans. Although, he did have two million people suscribed to his channel.

"So," Eddie threw his arms outward, hitting Emily and Dan in the face. "Let's get to some of those questions! Jordan, wanna chose first?"

"Oh, why not..." Jordan chuckled and suddenly pointed out. "The girl in the pikachu hat. Yeah, to the left."

"This is to Nova." She smiled at him and he peered around Emily. "Why has your Walking Dead series gone on a hiatus?"

"Well," James pulled his microphone closer to talk into it. "The next episode, episode two, hasn't even been released yet."

"Alright!" Jordan looked at James. "Pick one."


The rest of the panel time was dedicated to questions. No one questioned why Emily was up there with them, or even who she was. Although, when they were on the way to the rave, she heard a few people talking about her and James possibly dating. She was pretty sure James heard it too, as his face turned bright red.

The rave was absolutely incredible. James and Emily danced together quite a bit, and hilariously enough, she ended up the designated driver because everyone else (besides Jordan) were drunk of their asses. As soon as they got to the hotel room, James passed out on his bed. She shook her head in dismay and covered him up with a spare blanket.

She couldn't seem to sleep that evening. Around midnight, Jordan stopped by to give her a Burger King burger and fries to tell her (and James, who had woken up to the scent of food and passed out shortly after) that the second panel had been canceled due to technical errors. In a weird way, she was pretty happy. She had felt so awkward on the stage with a bunch of liked people and no one even knew her name.

Eventually, thinking of the whole days events, drifted off into a pleasant slumber.


Hey guys!

Have you noticed a quality increase in chapters? Of course you have! It's because I got my brand new laptop and the thing ROCKS. :D So, expect more updates.

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