Chapter Two

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"No!" Emily screeched, pounding the buttons on the wii controller. "No! Douche move, Alliewag!"

"It's Allison, you bitch!" Allison let out a laugh and tilted her controller.

Emily let out an enraged yell as Mario drove off the edge. Emily sent a glare her friend's direction, but cracked up after a moment. They were practicing for the gaming tournament at the local Gamestop. They had a few hours to spare, and had nothing to do.

"That was great." Allison grinned. "You think they'll kick us out for yelling that?"

"Who cares? Emily rolled her eyes and stretched.

She loved Allison, but she reminded Emily of Veronica. She let out a sigh and set the remote down. When she glanced at Allison, she saw her friend giving her the strangest look ever. She got up and looked down at Emily.

"Well," She said. "We should probably get dressed. Unless you want to flirt with nerds in your pajamas."

"I don't think they'd care if that's what we're wearing." Emily laughed. "They're gonna be shocked just seeing a girl there."

"The staff won't be shocked." Allison said.

"You've flirted with over half of them!" Emily exclaimed. "Of course they won't be surprised!"

"And you're terrible at flirting." Allison skipped into the other room.

"Sick my dick!" Emily called after her.

"The non-exsistent one?" Allison yelled before heading into the bathroom.

"It's bigger than yours!"

She heard Allison laugh from inside the bathroom. Emily walked into the bedroom and started to gather some clean clothes. She knew Allison was joking, but it still hurt to hear her yell that. She slipped out of her black sweatpants and into some torn up jeans. When Allison came into the bedroom, Emily threw her arms up to block her shiftless body.

"Ooh!" Allison laughed and unclipped her bra. "Lacy! I like it!"

"Shut up!" Emily's face turned bright red and she clipped her bra back together. "I love this bra."

"It's cute." Allison said and pulled her hair up into a ponytail. "Like my outfit?"

Emily looked her friend over. Red and black acid washed skinny jeans and a Paramore t-shirt that had been torn all to hell. A little red eyeshadow and ruby lipstick went a long way with that girl. Emily nodded her approval, getting a grin from Allison.

"Go get dressed!" Allison said, shoving her towards the bathroom. "I wanna see your outfit!"

"Fine!" Emily laughed.

She shut the bathroom door and smiled at her t-shirt choice. She threw it on, knowing that Allison would love it. It took her a minute to find the makeup bag, which had been cleverly placed between the toliet and the counter. She grumbled as she put some lip gloss on and then braided her hair. She grinned and clipped her favorite bow in her hair. She pulled a funny face and steeped out of the bathroom.

"Aww!" Allison was right in the hallway. "Where did you get that t-shirt?"

"I'll tell you after you answer this..." Emily grinned. "What does the fox say?!"

Allison replied with a mass of ridiculous noises. Emily was dying of laughter by the time her friend decided to stop.

"So?" Allison started giggling.

"I bought it online." Emily managed to speak without laughing.

"Sweet!" Allison nodded. "Let's get going. We're taking the car, by the way."

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