Come back to me

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::Charlene POV:: 

I cracked my eyes open. I was laying on the floor, in a white gown in the middle of nowhere. Am I dead? I got up and started to walk around. "Hello?! Anybody hear?!" I yelled. "Mama?" I heard a familiar voice say in a heavy accent. There's only one person I know who has an accent like that. I turned around to look at the person. "Grandma?" I asked. Without waiting for her to answer I ran and gave her the biggest hug. "Allo honey, I'm missed you so much!" (if you see that there's bad grammar and misspelling when grandma talks ,it's on purpose because in the story grandma doesn't know much english and has a very thick accent.) "I missed you too, Grandma." I loved this lady to death she was the only person who actually understood me. I paused and let go of her and got a good look at her. She looked glowing and happy. "Grandma, Am I....dead?" I asked hoping I was. "No, you not honey." Dang. "Well what am I doing here then?" I asked confused "De lawd has sent me to come an talk to you." Talk to me about what. " Listen Cha Cha, I'm see what de kids have say to you. But you have be strong." she said putting her hand on my shoulder. She's the only person who ever calls me Cha Cha. She' been calling me that ever since I was a baby. "I know I have to be strong grandma, but I just could take it anymore" I said looking her in the eyes "I'm understand dat, but you cannot let them win." I didn't answer her. I just let out a big sigh with a tear coming from my right eye. "No cry, no cry. You can do it. You strong." she said wiping my tear and making a fist when she said the word "strong". I nodded my head. "So what is it that you want to tell me?" she smirked a little and started talking "Jacob" was all she said. My heart clenched at the sound of his name. "What about him?" I asked a little angry. "Him is not what you tink, mama. Him loves you very much." she said. I've always loved the way she talks. "If he loved me, why would het let them do that to me?" I asked. "When you wake up, let him talk to you. You will understand."    

"What do you mean when I wake up?" she looked at me for a second and took my hands "Come" she said. She took me to a cloud. We layer on it "Look down" she instructed. I did as i was told. I saw a beat girl in a hospital bed "Is that..... me?" I said with more tears streaming down my face. "Yah it is honey." She paused and rubbed my back. "You see, you  in a coma. From de pills dat you take." Oh. I was so ashamed of myself. i didn't answer her I just kept staring down at myself. I saw the door to my room open and saw.....Jacob?

::Jacob POV:: 

I don't know what to do with myself. I have to see her even though she hates me. I will always love her no matter what. I approached her mom. She was sitting down on the bench with tears in her eyes. I look at her and all I see is Charlene. All the times I've seen her cry and made her cry. "Umm H-hello miss, I'm Jacob. I'm a friend of Charlene's" i paused. I wanted to be much more then her friend. "Charlene has never told me about any friends. how are you sweetie?" Honestly, my life is hell right now. but I wouldn't let her know that. "I'm fine. I was just wondering...if I could to back to the hospital with you and see her." she had a little shocked look on her face and then looked a little relieved. "Are you Charlene's...boyfriend?" No....but I wish I was. "No, just a friend. So is it ok with you if I go?" I said hopeful. "It's fine with me but I think that you should inform an adult before we leave." I was a little shocked that she let me go, but happy at the same time. "Thank you so much Miss." I said giving her a hug. "Please call me Charmaine" Charmaine huh? Charlene must be named after her. "Ok...Charmaine" hopefully in the future I'll be able to call you mom. What the hell am I talking about?! Charlene won't marry me! She hates my guts! I got out of my thoughts and I asked the principal if I could go with her. He agreed. We were off to the hospital. When we got there a bunch of thoughts were swarming through my mind. What if she doesn't want to see me? What if she doesn't remember me? Or worse...what if....she doesn't make it? No...she will make it. Think positive Jacob. Think positive. My bonita is strong. She'll get through it. I ran my fingers through my curls with tears all over my face. This is the most i've cried ever since my hamster died. I sat in the waiting room and her doctor finally came. "How is she?" her mother asked hopeful and scared. "Well the pills she took really took a toll on her body.  It looks like she hasn't had food in weeks. And she's very dehydrated. She is in a mild coma now. It's up to her if she wants to make it. I'm sorry to say that her chances are very slim." he said. Charmaine broke down. "No.." she said as she shook her head "she has to make it" she continued. She sobbed. "That child is the only thing I've got!" I felt terrible. This was all my fault. I walked over slowly to her and wrapped my arms around her. (not like that pervs lol jk) I rocked her as she sobbed. "Ssshhh it's ok. Charlene is strong, she'll make it." she looked up at me and nodded her head "Thank you." she whispered. After a while the doctor came back "If you want to you may go in and see her. She cannot talk or move but she can hear you" he said. she looked at me "Would you like to go in she asked" I nodded my head slowly. We went and I saw it. Her lifeless body. Marks all over her beautiful chocolate brown skin. I was trying to keep myself together for her mom's sake but I could tell she was trying to keep herself together as well. She slowly walked over to her and took her hand. "Mama, I know you can hear me. Please wake up, please..." It was a utter silence. She broke down in frustration "I should've known there was something wrong with her! What kind of mother am I ?!" she paused "That child is all I've got!" she said sobbing. She was blaming herself when the real person to blame 

It was another very long utter silence this time for about a half an hour. She finally spoke. "I-I have to go home and freshen up. Would you like me to drop you home or would you like to stay here with her?" Yo already knew my answer. "I'l just stay here with her" I said simply. She got up from her seat gave me a hug went over to Charlene and kissed her forehead, then she was off. 

It was just me and her. I stared at her. I had more tears coming down. I walked closer to her. I stroked her cheek softly and took her hand "I'm sorry" I whispered. I stopped stroking her cheek and took the rosary beads I had around my neck. "Dear Heavenly father, 

I come to you now in my time of need and strength. She's she best thing that ever happened to me. Her smile lights up my world. Her touch heals my body. She wasn't happy with herself because of what others have told her but she was Perfect to me. Please forgive her for she didn't know what she was doing. I've done her wrong but my intentions were good and pure. I promise i will protect her with everything I have. Please, let her come back to me. She's my heart, my soul, my everything. I want her. I need her. I love her. Please...Please don't take her from me." I said out loud. I paused and kissed her hand. "In Jesus name...Amen" I said with blessing myself.   I stared at her. I stood up and took off my jacket. I got into the bed with her. I wrapped my arms around her. "I love you" I whispered in her ear. I planted kisses all over her beat up but still beautiful face. I looked on her arm and saw she had carved a word in there it said..."B E A U T Y". My heart started to hurt. She cut herself again. I lightly ran my fingers over her skin. I guess because I broke my promise and so she broke hers to get back at me. She was truly she most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I'm gonna get her to believe it one day. I kissed her arm and went up to her face. "I will never let another soul hurt you for as long as I live" I whispered into her ear again. I continued planting kisses on her face. I eventually stopped "One day, bonita you'll realize how beautiful you are." I whispered to her. I just stay there in the bed with her, caressing her. Hoping that she would come back to me .  

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