Back to school

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::Jacob POV:: 

Sadly today is the day that we go back to the hell hole once again. I just hope and pray that nothing happens and everyone leaves Charlene alone. Especially that hijo de puta  (mofo) they call Jaden. He's really testing me. He's been calling Charlene non-stop and refuses to leave her alone. I think I may have to talk to him personally about it, cause he's pissing me the f*ck off. Charlene doesn't really know what to think of it considering she has no idea who he is. I honestly don't know what she's been thinking lately. After our "talk" she's gotten really quiet again. Sometimes...I swear I say the dumbest things. What the hell did I say that to her for?! Of course I don't regret meeting her. If anything I thank God for her each and everyday. She's so sweet and genuine. The things she does and says makes my day. I hope that she doesn't take what I said to heart. I honestly didn't mean it. I was just upset at her for being upset at me. It's like every time I ask her something she responds with a one word answer. It's either "Yes" "No" or "I don't know." I don't want to make her feel like she's a burden to me. It's okay. I know that it's not her fault, but I was just frustrated with everything that's happened. 

I was getting ready for school downstairs, while Charlene was upstairs. I heard footsteps downstairs while I was fluffing my hair in the mirror. "I'm ready" I heard her low voice say. I turned my head and scanned what she was wearing. She's trying to kill me. This is the second time I've seen her wearing jeans. Good God. " Ay Dios Mio" I say looking up and down at her. She furrowed her eye brows and looked down at herself. "What? You don't like it?" she asked. I scoffed "Mami, obviously you don't see what I see." I said licking my lips while looking at her up and down. "I wonder about you, Perez" she said laughing and wagging her finger at me. "I wonder about you too bonita....but I don't think that what I wonder about is appropriate." I said walking closer to to her. She playfully rolled her eyes and pushed me away. "Whatever papi. Let's just go before we be late" she said. "Ok, grab your backpack so we can go." I said smiling at her. She nodded her head before crossing her arms and walking away with her head down. I watched her as she did so. She looked up at me and stuck her tongue out at me. I raised my eyebrows at her "Excuse you? Who do you think you stick that tongue out at?" I asked her trying my best to act ratchet. "You, dude. There isn't anybody else in the room. Am I not correct?" she asked rolling her head with every word. "You better watch the attitude or else" I said pulling her close to me by her waist. "Or what? Come at me, bro. You wanna throw down? Come get chu some" she whispered seductively to me. I chuckled at her trying to act tough. But, honestly when she went off on everybody at school she did scare me though. "C'mon seriously though. Let's go, bonita" I said inter whining ours fingers in each other. She nodded her head, kissed my cheek and got her bag. Soon we were on our way. 

::Charlene POV:: 

Today I go back to school. I honestly don't know what to expect. Jacob told me that I supposedly went off on everybody before i got hit by a car. Since you read it, was I that bad? I really hope not. But...I'm so confused. There's this boy and his name is Jaden I guess. He keeps calling me all the time. I don't think he knows I lost my memory. It's pissing Jacob off...highly. I don't get it. Jacob said that he used to bully me too. But he helped me after they beat me. Makes a bunch of sense, doesn't it? (sarcasm intended) Lately, I've just decided to be more quiet, just so I won't bother Jacob as much. I honestly don't want to be a burden to him, so I just try and leave him alone as much as possible. Honestly, there does come a time when I do have to ask for stuff though. I don't know how I'm gonna get through this day without him, considering I have no idea what my classes are and where they are for that matter. Well we'll see how this day takes us.... 

We finally arrived at the school. When we walked up the stairs everyone was staring at me and cupping their mouths and whispering. I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. I gripped Jacob's hand. "It's ok, bonita. Don't be scared. Nobody's gonna hurt you....not while I'm around." he said to me as he kissed my forehead. I believed him and I felt safe when he said that. I smiled at him and nodded my head. We began walking and I still felt the stares and could hear the comments. They weren't bad, but I felt so uncomfortable. Jacob opened the door for me as I walked in. Everybody stopped what they were doing and stared at me. It's like there eyes were glued to me. I felt like the outcast. I was so scared even if Jacob was right there next to me. I heard someone call my name. It was some guy in a suit. "Hello, Charlene. We're so happy that your, ok, and that you back here with us. We have a lot to discuss" he said as he shook my hand and gave me a hug. I looked at Jacob. I guess he could see how scared I was so he slowly rubbed my back trying to console me. it worked for a little while but then the nerves started to kick in. "W-Who are you?" I asked the man in the suit with my low voice. "I'm the principal of the school, sweetie." he said smiling at me. I slowly nodded my head at him. "We're gonna give you you're schedule again, and at lunch time where gonna have to talk to our guidance counselor for a while ok?" he asked softly. I don't know why but I felt so afraid that I wanted to cry. "Ok" I said with my voice shaky. Jacob wrapped him arm around my shoulder still trying to comfort me. "It's ok bonita" he whispered to me. I took a big gulp and nodded my head. "O-Ok thank you." I said barely audible. "Hang in there" he said simply as he put his palm on my shoulder. I said nothing as I watched him walk away. I rubbed my hand on my forehead trying to figure myself out. "Bonita, don't stress. Everything's gonna be ok. Just calm down, alright? C'mon let me show you your locker." he said as he jerked his head towards the other way. He took my hand and led me towards my locker. I took the time to look at everyone's faces and they continued to stare at me. I, again, heard more voices call me name. More like 3 actually. I turned around to see pigtails, plump lips and mohawk walking towards me. I smiled a little. I remember them from the hospital. "Hey...we missed you. We're so glad you're back" mohawk said. They each gave me hugs and kissed my cheek. "So how are you?" plump lips asked. I felt a little happy that they somewhat cared. "Good except....everyone keeps staring at me." I said looking around. "Oh, don't mind them. They're just still scared from when you went off on everybody" pigtails said. Damn. Was I really that bad? Before I could say anything I heard ANOTHER voice call my name. That sh*t is getting aggravating. I turned around to see who it was. I didn't recognize him. He was cute though. He came over to me and gave me a really, really tight hug. "Oh, my goodness, Charlene. I've missed you so much." he said. I looked at Jacob. He didn't look to happy at what he saw. I'm guessing that this had to be Jaden. He let me go and looked at me "It's me, Jaden. You look beautiful. I've missed you so much." he repeated as he gave me another hug. I saw Rayon out his hand on Jacob's chest trying to hold him back from whatever. He finally let go. "I have to go, but I can't wait to see you again" he said excited as he kissed my cheek. I took another glance at Jacob and he was And he had his fist balled up. How come it was fine when the other guys did it, but when he does it...he looks like he's ready to commit murder. Oh well. Boys will be boys. I then looked at Jaden's face. He was smirking at Jacob, like he was getting under his skin. You could cut the tension with a knife. Suddenly he began to speak "Ok, I'm out. Deuces" Jaden said as he walked away. He turned around and blew me a kiss. I was so confused. My heart jumped as I heard a loud thump. I realized Jacob had punched a locker. "Dude, you have to calm down" plump lips said. Jacob was breathing heavy. I was kinda afraid at how he was acting. I'm sure that Jaden kid meant nothing by it. But then again I can't be naive about it. I went over to him and took his hand. "Jacob, breathe, papi. usted tiene que mantener la calma, por favor, para mí?"(you have to keep your cool, please for me?) I asked in spanish to him on my tippy toes caressing his face. Yeah, that's right. He taught me spanish. It's cute, no? I'm trying to teach him creole, but it's an epic fail. He looked down at me and smiled. He pecked my lips "You always know how to make me feel better, but stay away from him" he said as his voice changed from soft and soothing to stern when he said "stay away from him" I don't get why he wants me too. It's not like he likes me or something, right? Right. "OK, papi" I said assuring him while rustling my fingers through his curls. We were gazing in each others eyes for a while. "H-Hey, Charlene?" i heard a voice say. Jacob raised his head and his anger came back. I turned around to see a girl. "Hi.." I said unsure of who she was. "H-Hi" she said shyly while crossing her arms and looking down. "Who are you?" I asked tilting my head to the right. She looked at me with hesitant eyes as she took a breathe. "I-I'm B-Brianna" she said lowly. Tell me why when she said that I was ready to pounce. I balled up my fist and her a death glare. She looked really scared and backed up. She's the reason why I'm like this. So this is the girl Jacob slept with? This is the girl that forced Jacob to betray me and beat me up? This is the girl that is the reason why I am the way I am? No. Sh*t. I felt myself get so angry. "What do you want?" I snarled at her. She wore a shock/scared expression on her face. What the f*ck? Isn't she my bully? Why is she acting so afraid of me for? My thoughts were again interrupted by Jacob "no te dejes enojarse. No vale la pena" (don't let yourself get angry. She's not worth it, bonita) he whispered to me. I don't really understand what he said. But I'm gonna assume he's telling me to calm down. I took a breather. "I-I just wanted to apologize for everything. I've done and said some really cruel things to you and I'm sorry. You don't have to forgive me, but I just wanted you to know that" she said. I looked into her eyes. She looked like she meant it. But I'm not stupid, I need to keep a close eye on her. I then looked at Jacob. He looked surprised. I was still think about weather to forgive her or not. I'm not a cruel person and me not forgiving me isn't gonna do me any good. Oh, what the hell! I laid my eyes back on her again. She flinched like she was scared. What did I do to make her so afraid of me? I don't like it. I feel like I'm the bully. I took a heavy deep breathe and walked up to her. I could tell she was trying to stand her ground. I laid my hand on her shoulder. "It's all good" I said smiling at her. Her eyes widened in shock. "Really?" she asked in a surprised manner. "Yeah..." I softly while shrugging. She looked down still in shock. I took my hand of her shoulder and walked back to Jacob. He was cheesing so hard at me. "I'm proud of you, Bonita. Only someone with real pride would forgive some one for something like that." he said to me. He grabbed my face and kissed me softly. "I love you." he said holding my chin. "I love you, too" I said back. I looked back at Brianna. She had this envious stare in her eyes. Like she wanted something I had. I shook it off and waved to her. She waved back with a smile smile. (never thought you would have read that huh?) Jacob wrapped his arms around me as we started walking to class. Maybe this first day won't be so bad after all... 

::Jaden POV::        

I was walking in the hallway around 6th period, you know with my sexy self, thinking about Charlene. My baby looked f*cking sexy this morning. When I say her curves can break a n*gga in half?....bro. I didn't realize how much I missed her until I saw her in the hallway. She was glowing to me. I know for a fact that she was clueless of who I was, but I found it so damn adorable. The thing that pissed me off was f*cking curly sue had has arm around her caressing her. Did I not say she was mine?! Sh*t! He's testing me. He's lucky that his friends were there to hold him back. I would have whopped his for touching my girl and putting his hands on me. I saw the little apology that Brianna gave her. You see? My baby has a good heart. She still forgave her after al the bullish*t she's put her through. That's swag right there. Only makes me love her more. As I was walking I spotting Brianna in her locker. I walked up to her knowing we both despise each other with a passion. Once I got to her she looked at me up and down and rolled her eyes. Well damn! That wasn't nice. Ha! As if I gave 2 sh*ts. "What do you want?" she asked with a attitude. I rolled my eyes at her. "I have a little offer that I want to give you." I said. She furrowed her eye brows. "I saw how you were staring at Charlene and Jacob this morning. Seems like you really want him huh?" I asked. Yeah I know my sh*t. "What's it to you?" she asked getting offensive. I got closer to her. "Well I want Charlene and-" she cut me off. "I knew you liked her. You always acted weird when we talked about her." No sh*t sherlock. i ignored her comment and kept going. "As I was saying..I want Charlene and I know you want Jacob, and I've come up with a plan for us to have exactly what we want. You catch my drift?" I asked her holding my hands out. She looked hesitant but she eventually gave in. "Deal." she said shaking my hand. "So what's the plan?" she asked. There's the old Brianna I know and hate. I looked to my right and to my left to make sure no one was watching. Empty. I whispered to plan to her. She smirked. "Smart boy, Jaden. Not as good as one of my plans, but well played." she said. "Well you know how I do." I said popping my imaginary collar. This should be a very interesting rest of the day.... 

Awe crap :o. What the heck is this crazy f*ck Jaden about to do now? haha! 

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