Finale: Jacob, you did it.

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::Charlene POV:: 

My eyes popped open as I examined my surroundings. I was in my room. I looked to my right and Jacob was gone. I rose up from my pillow looking around, rubbing my eyes. From the get go I felt weird. Nervous for some reason. I feel like.....I'm being watched. I don't know I just feel it. It's so uncomfortable, especially when I'm getting dressed.I feel like someones eyes are glued to me, watching my every move. I shook it off. I put my hair in a messy bun and looked down at myself. I was wearing Jacob's Nirvana sweater, with shorts. I honestly don't remember putting it on, but it's whatever. I pushed the covers off of me feeling my feet touch the warm carpeted floor. I dragged myself to the bathroom. I wonder where Jacob could be. Well, if he left he'd probably leave me a note or something. I entered the bathroom, smiling for no reason. He makes me feel so special, so loved. When we were at his house, I got a little carried away. Only because well.....I wanted to give him more then just a make-out all the time, you know? I felt like he deserved me for the way he treats me. But, he makes it known that he doesn't want to pressure me or push me into anything, and I love that. After brushing my teeth and all that good stuff, I decided to go down stairs. Once I opened to door, the smell of eggs and pancakes filled my nose. I casually walked down the stairs. I walked to where the smell led. When I entered I saw him. Jacob was cooking. His back was turned to me as he stirred the pan. He was shirtless. My eyes scanned his muscular back. Never gets old. Don't you wish you could wake up to that? A sexy boy cooking breakfast for you, shirtless? I think God really does love me after all. I couldn't see his face, but he seemed so focused. His curls shook as he add spices to the eggs. I've never seen something more adorable in my life. Near the stove was a small little radio, sitting there. His hand reached over towards it, and pressed play. A latin beat played making me tap my foot a little bit. I recognize this song. It used to be my anthem when I was younger. Tempted to touch by Rupee. (I stay twerkin to that song. lmaoo xD) I looked back up at Jacob as I crossed my arms and rested my body on the wall. He started singing and dancing to the music. His his and his feet moved swiftly with the beat. I didn't know he could salsa. I giggled lowly, while trying not for him to hear me. He oped the cabinet, still dancing and grabbed more ingredients. "Before the end of the night, I wanna hold you so tight. You know I want you some much. And I'm so tempted to touch." he sang. I cupped my mouth in shock at his dance moves. Someone has been going to the mexican day festival I see. It was so cute how he was acting right now. I bit my lip as he moved his hips. It was almost as if he was...whining, but a masculine version. He then started grinding...hard. My Jesus. I've seen him grind before but it's like...damn. Eventually, after watching his little show I decided to let my presence be known. I slowly walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, putting my head against his bare back. "You better work it, papi" I whispered. He put the spatula on the counter as he turned and faced me. A beautiful smile was what I saw. "Hey, bonita." he said as he pecked my lips. "Hi.." I said back smiling. His eyes shot at the shirt I was wearing. He softly chuckled. "This looks sexy on you." he said touching the sweater. I blushed looking away. Every compliment he gives me makes my day. "Well, then maybe I should keep it" I said playfully getting on my tippy toes. He smirked "You wish." he said wrapping his arms around my hips, pulling me closer. "How did this get on me anyways? I don't remember putting in on." I asked confused. He smirked. "You got cold in the middle of the night so i took it and put it on you." he said moving strands of hair out my face. Like, I swear he's just too sweet! Ugh "Why are you so damn sweet for?!" I asked playfully shaking his shoulders. "It's not abnormal, bonita. You say it as if I'm not supposed to do it. Your mine, and this is how you need to be treated. Get it?" he said bending down some towards my level. I'm such a midget compared to him, it's not fair. There it goes again. Just---UGH! I couldn't say anything. I just kissed him again. I pulled away "Thank you, papi." I said running my fingers down his back. "The pleasure was all mine, bonita" he said. "Why didn't you wake me?" I asked putting my hands on his shoulders. He shugged "You looked so peaceful. I didn't wanna wake you." he said moving my hair. I wrapped my arms around him, and kissed his chest. He put his head on my chin and petted my hair. "I love you so much" he mumbled. it's like he didn't want me to hear it. He twisted us side to side as he bent down and kissed my cheek. He let go "Ok, lemme finish breakfast, and then we can cuddle if you want, Ok?" he said looking down at me. My eyes looked to his lever without moving my head. "You don't want any help?" I asked still holding him. "No, mami. I'm all good." he said lowly. I let go of him "You just go sit over there and look beautiful as usual." he said. I blushed and stared at him. I couldn't stop smiling at remembering how he was dancing when I came in. "Are you gonna twerk for me like you were doing before?" I asked playfully biting my lips. He looked down embarrassed and smiling. I lifted his chin making him face me. "Don't be embarrassed. It was sexy. Really sexy." i said seductively licking my lips. My turned to red, and shook his head. While about to walk away from me. I gave him a good smack to the That thing is more squishy then people see. He stopped in his place. Slowly turned to me. "I'll get you for that." he said pointing to me. "Bring it curly" I said back trying to act tough. He chuckled at me, and blew me a kiss. My gosh, the way he does it....f*ck! This boy is too sexy for me! I can't even. My legs wobbled about to grow weak. I happily turned my heel, and walked back to the island, sat down and watched papi get to work. 

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