Getting ready

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*Just so you know when I say Hayes that is Hayden. Aubrey calls Hayden Hayes. Just to clear that up.*

Aubrey's POV

Hayes and Shawn are a thing and I'm glad I've haven't seen her happy like this ever. I've been watching the kids but that's ok, I rather Hayes be happy and live a normal teenage life than for her to be a mum.

I was looking into having the twins go to school. There school would be right next to my work so I could pick up and drop them off . As for Juliette she already started school.

I was looking at working at a huge business building that was very well known.

Grey Enterprises.

Christian Grey has a building in Seattle and pretty much everywhere you could think of there being an office building. He has one in Seattle, Dallas, New York, Los Angles, Toronto and a couple other places.

I work at the building in Toronto. I take the bus there every day I work Monday thru Friday my days are from 8 to 7 and it takes an hour on the bus to get there.

Today was my first day on the job and the twins fist day at school. Shawn, Hayes and Juliet rode the same bus to school they would drop Julie of first then go to Pine Ridge high right down the road.

The twins went to daycare next to my work same hours. I would drop them off and pick them up.

I woke up at 6 to get ready for work. Hayes's classes didn't start till seven and her bus got here at 6:30 so she was already up.

I went to Julie's and the boys room to get them ready.

AJ and JJ

AJ and JJ

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They were all ready for school

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They were all ready for school. Juliet said she wanted to be Minnie so she wore her Minnie shirt. And the boys always have matching clothes so why not.

Hayes came downstairs looking like a hobo. But that's how she dressed she never dressed to impress. She just dresses to be comfortable like always.

Shawn came down after her and I guess they changed together and that Shawn stayed

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Shawn came down after her and I guess they changed together and that Shawn stayed.

Hopefully nothing happened. You know Hayes would tell me if they did. I shouldn't worry.

Hayden's POV

I went down stairs Shawn behind me, and Aubrey looked at us weird then just shook her head and looked away. I wonder what she's thinking.

Oh god if she thinks that's we... EW not yet! I'm not ready I haven't known him long enough god.

Well let's see how today goes.

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