Chapter 5

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"Alright, time to suffer!" Akio exclaimed gleefully the next morning while putting her hair up in a ponytail. Miyuki rolled his eyes.

"Of course you'd enjoy the Training Camp from Hell, it's practically your best friend," he said sarcastically.

A tick mark appeared on Akio's forehead.

"For your information mister, the only reason why I enjoy the training camp is that we get to see how great the tenth graders really are," Akio retorted.

"Fine. Either way, it's still hell."

The battery made their way to the larger outdoor field where the fielding practice would be. The coach was already there. Miyuki and Akio mingled into the line just in time.

"All pitchers except for Furuya and Sawamura will be pitching in the bullpen today. Miyuki and Miyauchi will be assisting them. Akio, I want you to be at fielding practice today."

Akio straightened. "Uh...okay!"

Then she mumbled, "Dang, I'm still stuck with those two idiots."

Miyuki did nothing but snicker. Akio gave him a glare.

"As for the rest of you, the outfielders and basemen will be conducting fielding practice while the rest will practice pitching and batting with each other."

"Roger!" the team yelled out in unison.

"Get to it!"

The team split into two groups, with the four members the coach had called out walking over to the bullpen. Three members took up the position of batting. Akio was tempted to ask one of them if she could trade, but a warning glance from Coach Kataoka put a stop to her plans.

Sighing, Akio had no choice but to take up an outfielder's mitt and wait for her rotation.

"You guys ready?" the person at-bat shouted to the outfielders.

"Yeah, now hurry up and hit!" screamed Jun.

The batter threw the ball and hit it.

With that ricocheting sound, the Training Camp from Hell had officially begun.

"Look at him go. He's only a tenth grader, but he's practically on par with his brother!" someone gasped.

Akio smirked. "Just wait till we get to the running menu," she said as she moved onto the field to rotate with another outfielder. Unfortunately, this rotation rotated her to the outermost part of the field.

"Oi, Sawamura, pay attention!"

"Furuya, don't miss such an easy ball!"

Akio groaned out loud. From this distance, no would hear her complaining.

"The coach was smart in not putting those two during the game. Furuya always has to have Jun cover for him and Sawamura looks like he doesn't even know where to stand!"

A clink from the metal bat snapped Akio out of her trance. She looked up and saw the ball sailing over the tops of their heads.

"Akio, incoming!"

There was no way Akio would be able to catch the ball here. She began jogging backward, stretching her left arms as high and far back as it would stretch.

"Come on, come on," Akio mumbled. She aware that all eyes were on her to see if she would make a mistake, but Akio wasn't going to let them have that satisfaction.

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