Chapter 6

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Six days passed and the training showed no sign of softening up. In fact, Akio could even say that with every passing day, the training regimen got harder and harder each time.

Just how long am I going to do this? Akio thought as she supported her torso by resting momentarily on her knees. What am I doing this for? I'm not even an outfielder!

"300 soft toss batting drills!"

Akio's shoulders were sore from before, but even so, she picked up a metal bat and warmed up her shoulder.

"Akio, you ready?"

She nodded. Her underclassmen were surprised at Akio's attitude change. Ever since the training camp had started, Akio had quit talking and had cut off communication from everyone. The only times she spoke was when she was called out during class or when the coach asked her a question.

The ball came at her, but not too fast. Akio swung and at the last minute, she squeezed the grip and sent the ball flying far into the field. Well, there goes one ball.

Throwing a bit faster might be better for me, and for them as we can get this over with faster.

After almost three hours of practice, Akio finally had a break. Lunchtime came around and everyone was starving, except for the first-year trio and Akio herself. Hoping no one would catch her eating less than assigned (because honestly, Akio would never ever eat three bowls of rice in one sitting), Akio forced down her portion of food then snuck out of the back door of the kitchen to get some fresh air, grabbing her glove in the process.

From this point on, Coach Kataoka will probably start assigning specific training menus. Pitchers might find themselves in the bullpen more often and outfielders will be stuck outside till evening.



"Coach is probably going to send you to the bullpen again."


"You're ignoring me. Why?"


"Akio," Miyuki's voice held a warning in it. Akio's head throbbed slightly. She didn't have the time to be discussing redundant things with Miyuki. Her jaws tightened as her vision became blurry for a second.

Seems like her fatigue was coming early.


"I'm fine, Miyuki!" Akio snapped. She stormed away from him and headed for the field where the coach was supposed to call an assembly.

After a few more moments of waiting, the other members began to join her, lining up in rows and waiting for the coach to speak.

"As you can probably guess, I'm going to split you into certain groups. The different training regimens will help you individually as either a pitcher or outfielder or catcher."

Akio narrowed her eyes. Depending on whether or not the coach decided to use the indoor field for pitching, Akio might have to stay even later than last time if two idiots decide that they want to pitch more.

"All senior outfielders and first string outfielder, you will remain here in Field A, second string members will practice on Field B. Catchers Miyuki and Miyauchi will practice with pitchers Tanba, Kawakami, and Akio. Chris will supervise your training in the bullpen. I also leave Furuya and Sawamura up to you," Coach Kataoka said.


Akio prayed that those two pitchers wouldn't be practicing with her. She clenched her glove as another wave of nausea hit her. Now she was starting to think that she wasn't suffering from fatigue because of the training camp.

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