Chapter Five

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Latrelle poked at the food before him. Consisting of some chicken rice leftover from last night's dinner and chunks of chicken, it was probably one of the most sparse meals he's had since being adopted by Michael and Tina.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Rosa asked. Latrelle, not feeling like being chewed out by his sister --who was four years his junior--, began eating. When he looked up, he saw Mitch watching him.

He'd probably be the first suspect the police look at if they investigate Rick's death as a murder, Latrelle thought. Suddenly, there was a knock at the front door. Michael answered it, and Latrelle saw two middle-aged men dressed in street clothes. One showed Michael a badge, and asked a question. Whatever Michael had said, the two men came in and walked into the kitchen.

"We're Detectives Charles and Com," the blonde one, Charles, said. He was about six-foot, and towered over his colleague. The raven-haired man nodded, taking a position in the door jam.

"We were wondering if you'd be willing to answer a few questions regarding your brother's death, Mr. Dumel, Mr. and Mrs. Walker," Charles said. Both nodded.

"Mr. Dumel, where were you on the seventeenth, at nine-thirty?" Com asked from the doorway.

"I was at my hotel," Mitch asked.

"Can anyone corroborate that?" Charles asked.

"The clerk at the front desk. To get out of the hotel, you'd have to go right past him," Mitch replied.

"You were recently overseas, correct?" Com asked, then continued after Mitch nodded. "Why did you cut your trip short and come back? Did you know something was going to happen to your brother, or were you the one who killed him?"

"Are you accusing me of hurting my little brother, Detective?" Mitch, his voice dripping with horror, asked. Com nodded, while Charles playfully jabbed his side.

"Don't mind him. He doesn't know when too much is too much," Charles apologized. "However, he's right. We got the M.E.'s report yesterday and decided to ask you a few questions the following day."

"I'm done talking," Mitch said stubbornly. He crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair.

"Then we'll have to take you back to the precinct with us, Mr. Dumel," Com said. Charles whacked his partner on the back and smiled in an apologetic manner.

"Com's not usually like this. It might have something to do with the victim being ex-military. He served in the Marine Corps for nine years," Charles said.

Com glared at the man he's forced to work with.

* * *

So they had just gotten the report? Latrelle thought. Either Kevin created a copy of his father's files again or his dad told him to show me just that part. If it was the latter, then Hal's one cruel man.

"...Elle? Latrelle?" Tina was waving her hands in Latrelle's face, trying to get the boy's attention.

"What?" he finally said. Tina sighed. Once the detectives had shown up, Latrelle had spaced out, and it's been a few minutes since they had left. All in all, he'd been zoned out for almost ten minutes.

"Nothing," Tina said, sitting back down, but thought to herself, What do you know that we don't?

* * *

Latrelle slipped his phone out of his pocket, messaging Kevin.

Any news?

Kevin responded with a quick 'yes,' then, 'meet me in the library at school during study hall.'

Latrelle packed up his things, since he had study hall next and class was almost over. As soon as the clock hit one-forty-five, Latrelle was like a bullet train as he weaved through the crowd of students. When he arrived in the library, he sought out his friend, and, like always, he was sitting in a secluded corner.

"What is it?" Latrelle asked as he sat down.

"Here." Kevin slid a manilla folder across the table. Latrelle grabbed it and opened it:


I told Kevin to give you this. I would like you to help out with your uncle's case. Normally, letting a victim's family help out in the investigation directly is against the rules, but after I pulled some strings, I got you the OK.

Tell Kevin your answer; he'll make sure I get it.


Latrelle Looked at his friend dubiously. Kevin nodded, and an intense staring contest ensued.

"Fine." Latrelle broke first. Kevin became giddy at his answer, and Latrelle had to shush him, reminding that they weren't the only ones in the library. Once Kevin was reigned in, Latrelle leaned back in his chair.

"So what does your dad want me to do?" he asked.

"Basically, he wants you to keep an eye on Mitchell, and keep your eyes open for any new clues," Kevin answered, playing with a pen. Latrelle sighed, opening the manilla folder and reviewing the papers inside.

* * *

Latrelle's spirits, pinioned between a rock and a hard place due to his efforts, began refreshing little by little as he looked through the files before him once more. All the things he'd overlooked before were popping off the page.

I guess that your vision gets clearer the longer you stay up, he thought wryly. He flipped the page and stared at the photo stapled to it. Three children were standing together, smiling; all three had sandy brown hair, and the tallest boy and girl had brown eyes while the shortest child had blue.

Latrelle immediately recognized the children as Mitchell, Tina, and Richard. He ran his fingers over the glossy finish and smiled to himself, thinking about how innocent they looked as children. Now, they were wearied from the world's trials, and one of them was dead.

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