Chapter Six

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Latrelle flipped through the pages once more, trying to find any previously miss clues. After about the fourth time, he threw the file on his desk and opened his laptop.

This sucks, he thought as he created a digital murder board.

* * *

Latrelle and Kevin sat in English. Since their class was days ahead of the others and had already taken their tests, the teacher said they could use this time to work on whatever they needed for finish, for that class or others.

The two boys were looking over copies of the case, highlighting the details they saw as important.

"Kev," Latrelle said, prodding his friend. When Kevin looked over, Latrelle pointed at a copy of the phone records. "A few days before he was killed, he made an overseas call."

"You're right," Kevin mumbled, then looked through his file. He stopped on a page near the back and pointed to a purchase made with Rick's card. "Here. He bought lunch here at about the same time he made that call."
Latrelle tapped his desk; his habit when he was thinking. After a few minutes, he stopped and picked up his pen, underlining the purchase and call. Suddenly, he looked up and saw everyone getting ready to leave. Tucking the file beneath his arm, he grabbed his backpack and headed for the door.

"Oh, Latrelle!" he heard Kevin say. He turned to his friend. "During study hall, meet me in the computer room. I already got the OK from the teachers."

* * *

Latrelle stared at the mountainous pile of folders in front of him then looked at his friend.

"These are the rest of the files. They lay out almost everything that happened to Rick since the time he was fifteen. You've gotta read them all before you're Sunday," Kevin smiled. I really hate you sometimes, Latrelle thought, nevertheless sitting down and flipping through the files.

"Don't you have digital copies?" he asked once he got to the sixth folder.

"Yeah, but they're reserved for the detectives," Kevin pouted. "I can't tell you how many paper cuts I've gotten in the last two days..."

Latrelle tuned out the rest of what his friend was saying as he concentrated on the files. As he read, he starting getting a picture of what it was like being born to rich parents. Rick went to a prestigious private school, had a private tutor, got some of the best grades. He even got scholarships from schools like Oxford and Stanford. More than I can hope for after this. But he chose to go to West Point Military Academy and go into the military.

* * *

The files, as heavy as a bag of bricks, made the flimsy wooden desk creak. Latrelle sighed and sat at his desk and began photocopying them. It's always a good idea to have a physical and digital copy these days, he thought. Fifteen minutes later, and all the pages were copied and formed into a document.

Latrelle began composing a document that only showed the relevant details. By the time he finished, his head was spinning from the rampant things that was his uncle's life. I don't think I'd ever be able to handle this if this was my life.

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