1. How It All Began

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Glenda's POV

At only the ages of 3 and 4 two people came to be the best of friends, those people were me. Glenda Sanchez and Louis Tomlinson... Let me tell you how this all happened.

I lived in a small town in England called Doncaster...

When I was 3 and Louis was 4 we were neighbors, and at the time my mom, dad, and I were new to the neighborhood and I was just outside playing with a toy car, I was never the girly type who played with dolls and princess stuff, so I just sat there pretending I was racing my blue and white striped car to victory, when a little boy walked over to me and sat right in front of me.

"Hi! I'm Louis! Are you new?" he said very loudly.

"Hi Louis, I'm Glenda, and yeah, I'm new" I said just as loud.

"We should be friends....No.... BEST FRIENDS!" Louis yelled.

"Okay! Hi Best Friend!" I yelled back.

"Hi to you to best friend!" He said.


Ever since then we have been the best of friends... until 11 years later. (A/N: lets pretend Louis auditioned at age 15.)

When I was 14 and he was 15, I encouraged him to audition for the British X-Factor because over the years I have discovered that Louis had a beautiful voice!

He promised me that nothing would change between us and that we would never loose contact with each other while he was in the XFactor house, well wasn't that a lie!

Its been 3 long, lonelysome years and I haven't heard a word from Louis.

Every single time I turn on the TV I see him and 4 other boys on the news or on any other channel, Louis successfully made it through the X-Factor and got put into a band called 'One Direction'.

I bet he hasn't even thought about me, he has 4 new bestfriends, and a beautiful girlfriend named Eleanor Calder, shes absolutely flawless.

He has so many other people in his life he doesn't need 'little me'.

Honestly, right now I feel throbbing in my heart as if a huge piece of if was yanked out of my chest and stomped on repetitively , But, as long as he is happy I guess its okay.

Im going to try my best to stay as far away from him as I possibly can! he doesn't need me...

Ill just remember the positive, im auditioning as a opening act for bands that are going on tour.


Louis; POV

I was currently sitting on my bed in the hotel right outside of Doncaster, my home town.

I am surrounded by the boys.

I switched on the TV to see what was on and it was reading all the names that were going to be auditioning to be opening acts for bands. the names read

Maddie Anello, Angie Gordillo, Michelle Gutierrez, Glenda Sanchez, and Dianalys Vasquez.

hmm... Glenda Sanchez, I know that name from somewhere..

WAIT! Glenda Sanchez as in 'MY LITTLE CARROT' that's my best friend!

I haven't seen her for 3 years! I lost her phone number and all my ways of contacting her when I was in the X-Factor, I got a new EVERYTHING.

I am so going to go surprise her at the audition! The TV said it was in 'Syco Amphitheatre' on the 4th of February. Great ! We have nothing planned that day.

"Hey boys, wanna go meet my best friend that I haven't seen in forever?!" I screamed through the room cause the rest of the boys were scattered everywhere.

a whole bunch of 'yeahs' and 'sures' came echoing back into my room.

I checked the calender just to find out that February 4th is... TOMORROW!?!?!?

Well I guess I got a surprise too.

"Hey guys. Pack Now! looks like we are going back to my hometown."

I said before heading into the bathroom to gather my bathroom materials.

I got all of them and made my way back to my room and pulled out a few luggage bags.

After about 4 hours

We were all ready to go...

(a/n: Sorry this is a short chapter, mainly cause its my first for this story.. well I hope you like the rest. and comment what you think should happen)

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