9. Back To Square One

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Glenda's POV
I can't believe I am about to do this. I am about to tell Louis how I feel, I hope this goes well, I'd feel terrible if our friendship was lost..

I walked out of Liam's room and into the lit hallway. I stood in front of Louis' door and took in a deep breath.

I knocked.

"Go away." I heard muffled.
"it's me, Louis. Can I come in?" I said putting my face closer to the door.

"If you need something, go ask Liam, you guys seem to be getting along really well." He said.

wow, um, he seems angry for some reason. Maybe now isn't a good time to tell him.

"at least tell me what's wrong!" I said pounding on the door.

he opened the door and pointed towards his bed for me to come and sit.

"What's wrong Lou..?"

"Just, I can't Glenda."

"You can't what? I don't get it."

"watch you be happy and get close to the other boys, while I'm here, feeling terrible."

"it's okay Lou, I forgive you. Yes it hurt but you apologized, and I know it was sincere." I gave him a tight hug.

"Okay. Well. Did you come in here to tell me about you and Liam?"

woah what? Liam?!

"what do you mean?"

"I heard you say that you liked him I believe.."

"Louis, your absolutely crazy."

"But I heard you say you liked "you know who" Glenda."

"Well obviously if I'm saying "you know who" to Liam it's not about him silly."

"oh, I do sound stupid.. sorry." Louis looked down.

"it's okay!" I answered and laid in his bed while on Twitter.

"Who were you talking of if it wasn't him?" he came and sat next to me.

That's the question I've been dreading.

"uhm. don't worry about it Lou."

"Glenda I'm here to protect you but also to support you, you can tell me who. Is it that boy Ian?" he asked with slight anger in his eyes.

"Oh no. Not him."

"is it Nia-"

"No no, not him either"

"Is it Zay-"

"YOU." I shot out. There's no getting that back. Wow, here we go.


"Yep.." I buried myself into my phone.

"Well, your my best friend Glenda, and you know that I'm with Eleanor."

"Yep.." At that point I couldn't bring myself to say anything else.

"Glenda, I'm not trying to bring you down or anything. Look, I do like you, maybe even love you and I have for a while now, just I got tired of waiting around, that's why I asked out Eleanor about a year ago. But with you back in my life I don't know what to do. You make it hard to love Eleanor. But I know I have to. It's the right thing to do, stay faithful and loyal you know?" He spilled.

"So your saying it's hard cause I'm around. Louis your the one who tried so hard to get me back into your life. You didn't have to. I could have just walked off the stage that day and never have seen you again. But you asked around and you looked for me. Okay you liked me before, I wasn't ready for a relationship, and I am now, I wanted to be sure that I could fully commit and have time for one, and that is also the right thing to do. I understand that you love Eleanor. But if I make it hard, why am I here?" I started to tear up and walked towards the door.

Reunited - A Louis Tomlinson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now