Chapter 6

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Hastings, Nebraska, Present Day

Ketch unlocked the motel door, then grabbed his gun before nudging it open. "It's me," he called out. "No need for gunfire." He walked inside and the door shut behind him. The room's occupant came out from the shadows.

"Arm out." Ketch calmly held out his arm and waited while a silver blade cut into his arm. There was no need to bother with holy water, since they had all taken a cue from the Winchesters and gotten the anti-possession charm tattooed on. Those two had to have a decent idea once in a while.

"Jesus, Ketch. I might as well be back on the streets if this is what I'm reduced to."

Ketch gave a bored sigh as he took the offered towel and held it on the wound, taking a seat in one of the stiff, shabby armchairs in the room. "Terribly sorry that I couldn't provide you more luxurious lodgings, but keep in mind that you could be in cold storage right now, instead of that shifter."

"I'm sure you'd like that," Mick said drily. "Especially if it meant you could ride off into the sunset with Mary, the conquering hero rescuing the fair maiden."

His left arm still wrapped in the towel, Ketch crossed it against his right and leaned back in the chair. He scowled at Mick, but didn't say a word.

"Well, even for you that's not a good look, so something has obviously happened. Is Mary all right?" Mick asked, sitting down in the other chair.

"Mary found 'your' body, and then she found the strategy board."


Ketch gave Mick a side-eye that would have devastated any other man. "Very helpful, Davies. I'm so glad I drove all the way out here to get your insight into the situation."

Mick leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "What did you do with her?" he asked.

"I didn't kill her, if that's what you're asking."

"I didn't expect you would."

Ketch sighed, for a brief moment giving him a look of humanity. "I tried to reason with her, but she attacked me. I had to subdue her, obviously."


"Don't be cute, Davies. You know how much I hate that."

"Just get on with it, would you?"

Ketch removed the towel from his arm and inspected the wound before tossing the now-bloody towel on the table between them. Mick narrowed his eyes at it, but chose to ignore it. "Bevell showed up," Ketch told him.

"Not..." Mick started to say.

"No, not the Old Man. Her ladyship," he said with a derisive sneer.

Mick sat up sharply. "Well what the hell are you doing here?" he asked, sounding alarmed. "You left Mary with her? Are you completely off your rocker?"

For a brief moment Ketch looked somewhat chastised. "Mary is tough," he said finally. "She can take it. And we needed to discuss this."

"What is there to discuss?" Mick asked. "Get her the hell out of there!"

The air in the room was cold - Mick had the fan running on high in case anyone was somehow listening. Ketch stood up and stalked over to the window. He parted the curtains only slightly and took a look outside. The parking lot of the motel was deserted still. "We have spent over twenty-five years on this, Davies. And we have never been closer than we are now. I want to protect Mary, I do, but how do we do it without ruining everything?"

Mick exhaled the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. "I wish I knew," he replied.

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