Chapter 8

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London, UK, 2008

"They actually did it!"

"Who did what?" Arthur asked, already bored with the conversation.

"The Winchesters. They've killed Azazel." Toni's disbelief was obvious. She moved her laptop computer to the side table and stood up, walking over to the window. "I honestly thought once the father died they would have given up. The younger one has always wanted out; I was surprised that they were able to rope him back in."

She paused in thought for a moment, then glided over to the desk chair where she had left her carefully folded clothes. Arthur watched her from the bed as she started to dress: she really did have a stunning body. It was too bad that she was such a sociopathic pain in the ass. Still, seducing Antonia Bevell for intel wasn't the worst thing he'd ever had to do. Not by a long shot.

"Well, they had to do something right eventually," he said. "No doubt they'll find some new way to screw up sooner rather than later."

He was in the middle of thinking what a shame it was to cover up those perfect breasts with her bra as she looked over at him again. "Are you just going to lie there all day?" she asked, raising a perfectly sculpted eyebrow at him.

"I thought I might. What else have I got to do?" he asked.

Toni rolled her eyes at him. "Honestly, how have you gotten to the level that you have? Do you have any ambition at all?"

Arthur chuckled to himself. "I have my ambitions," he said. "I just don't let them get in the way of pleasure."

"Well I have a meeting with Hess shortly. I haven't time to wait for you. David will be home tonight, so for goodness sake don't leave anything behind when you go," she said.

"Ah yes, the husband. Wouldn't want to leave any evidence behind. Could be dangerous," he replied with a snide grin.

Toni had gotten married six months earlier, but it hadn't put much of a dent in their extracurricular activities. They'd been sleeping together on and off for years - since not long after her sister had disappeared from Kendricks. She would claim to be tired of him, or get angry and kick him out of her bed, but he always managed to find his way back. It was the best way he'd found to get her to let down her guard, at least for a little while. And a rather enjoyable one at that.

"What time is your meeting with Hess?" he asked.

"Three o'clock," she answered, picking her skirt up off the chair and straightening it.

"It's only one o'clock now," he pointed out.

"I don't like to be late." But she had stopped dressing.

"I'm well aware, but you still have plenty of time. You don't want to get there so early that it looks like you have nothing better to do, do you?"

Her lips parted, ever so slightly, and he knew he'd won. "How do you suggest I fill the time?" she asked, as she placed the skirt back on the chair.

A slow, arrogant smile spread across his face. "I have several very... unique ideas," he said. "Why don't you come over here and we can discuss them in greater detail?"

"I think that can be arranged," she said, and slid back on to the bed.

* * *

Lebanon, Kansas, Present Day

Dean looked up as Sam walked into the kitchen. "Is she awake yet?" he asked.

Sam shook his head. "Whatever was in that thing Donna gave us must have been enough to knock out an elephant. Jody's staying down there to keep an eye on her. She'll let us know when she wakes up."

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