Chapter 2

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Hey guys sorry for the little bit of a wait, I've had prom stuff this past week and have been sooo busy I completely forgot, enjoy! :)

We sent sector one out then twenty minutes later the rest of us began to leave. The Mansion was roughly a two mile walk away from where we were situated. It took all of us 25 minutes to make it there, just in time to see the ending of sector one's accomplishments. I saw five of our men race out into the woods to the right of us, but if you weren't looking carefully it looked like twenty men. They were being chased by nearly a dozen wizards, but they had a good head start.

Good. It was working so far. They would run two miles to the portkey and it looked like they were going to make it. They had drawn a ton of fighters, with any luck there would barely be any left. They knew how how to use the forest to their advantage better than anyone else, it was going to be okay.

"Okay get the bombs going," commanded Blake.

Within minutes bombs were flying through the air towards the mansion. They went off with soft booms and I could see smoke rising. With my enhanced eyes from the Draca I was able to see several figures leaving the house. Fenrir with his werewolf senses saw the same thing becase he nodded to me, as if to say continue.

"Okay sectors two and three, go through the front and draw as much of the force as you can. You can retreat as much as you need, no use getting hurt. As soon as we have the two of htem they will retreat anyways," Draco said forcefully to the men standing in front of us.

"Those in sector four can follow the three of us to the back. Fenrir and I will be able to guide us through the smoke to the targets," I added.

With that everyone was on the move. Sector two and three moved forward first and drew the immediate threat of the gate guards away then we all ran past them towards the main lawn outside the mansion.

Fenrir was sniffing the air, "This way."

We followed him through the smoke until I was finally able to spot what he was looking at. Just as we had planned for, the two men had with them two other bigger men to protect them. These men were much more loyal than the rest of the fighters here, Draco and Blake were going to have to put on a real show to be able to beat them as planned.

Blake held a finger to his lips and signaled the other men with us to go around the back, cutting off any hope of retreat they had.

Once they were in position Draco, Blake and I stepped in front of them. Immediately their bodyguards stepped in front of them and fired at us. The three of us dueled them, with me just there to support them, and make sure nothing too terrible happened.

I was proud when Blake was able to disarm the guard he was fighting. With him and Draco both dueling the one guy, he stood no chance, and was soon on the floor next to his partner. The Snatchers and Fenrir crept up behind Rogers and Allen and knocked them over the head, rendering them unconscious.

It looked like we had actually done it. The fighters were fleeing, apparating to who knows where. The bodyguards were both still on the ground in front of us, we could probably just leave them here, we were only supposed to get the two men who were currently being thrown over the backs of two of the strongest Snatchers.

Blake, Draco and I stepped past the bodyguards and Blake smiled at the men in front of him, "Well let's get them back to camp then we can all be on our way to let the Dark Lord know that we've caught them."

Just as he said this one of the bodyguard's arms reached out and took out his leg. He fell to the ground. Well I guess this one hadn't been knocked out. My mind was working too fast, I wasn't able to think very well lately.

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