Chapter 43

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i think i'm going to upload the next chapter tonight since it goes with this chapter and i feel bad leaving y'all like that so look out tonight for an extra update :)

I took each of them by the arm and apparated us to the front of the Hogwarts grounds, "Sir, I don't know if we can get you up this hill. WOuld you let me levitate you in?"

He looked very resigned, "Yes. Just take me to my office though, no need to bother Poppy at this time of night."

I thought of telling him I could call for my father, but I didn't need a confrontation between Harry and Severus right now. That was something I could work out later .I was still curious about why Dumbledore was going to let harry hate Severus. He hadn't told me to act like I knew Severus had heard the prophecy too, so for now, harry wasn't even aware that I was in on it all too.

With a little effort, still weak from the potion a bit, I levitated Dumbledore up to the great gates of Hogwarts. As I looked up at the school a look of horror struck my face. There, above the school, was the Dark Mark.

"Sir, there's a dark mark above the school," Harry said rushed.

"The mark is above the Astronomy Tower, we need to get up there" I stated.

Dumbledore nodded and asked, "Jessica, can you get some brooms from the closet .we need to get to the top of that tower as quickly as possible."

"Sir, what is going on?"

"You must not ask questions right now Jessica, just do as I asked. You've already disobeyed me once tonight, do not do so again."

I made a decision to let him have what he wanted. Despite looking ill and still hunched over a bit, he was fully in command of the situation and seemed to know exactly what had to be done. I accioed some brooms and we took off toward the Astronomy Tower.

We landed just beneath the Dark Mark, "Is this the time I am supposed to switch sides?" I asked him quietly so Harry could not hear.

He ignored me and instead turned to Harry, "You need to go get Severus for me. Tell him where I am, and for him to come here immediately."

Harry tried to go out the door but there were footsteps coming from the outside of the door, "Both of you go hide."

I was starting to panic. I had no idea what was happening. Dumbledore seemed to know what was going on, and so did my father apparently. This must have something to do with what they were keeping hidden from me. I hadn't talked to Severus properly ever since we yelled at each other in the Gryffindor common room. we had spoken in class and even outside of class but it was always with someone else there and the conversations were forced and polite. I hide in the darkness with Harry per Dumbledore's request. We were tucked under the staircase, and I could see through the cracks. If somewhere were to peer behind the stairs while they were walking up, our cover would be exposed. We just had to hope no one did that. If I was supposed to betray everyone tonight he would surely find a way to call me out and tell me to do so. Or perhaps, I would never have to do so. I would just stand against the Death Eaters here and now, and this could be the end of it all. Afterall, how much would VOldemort do with just him? He needed all his loyal followers.

The door burst open and in walked Draco, "Good evening Draco," dumbledore said conversationally.

Draco looked more nervous than I had ever seen him and I hoped that he wouldn't try to kill Dumbledore in a duel, there was no way he'd come out of it alive, "Headmaster."

"Tell me, who has come with you tonight?"

"There are Death Eaters within the walls of your castle tonight," Draco replied softly.

"Genius, getting them in here."

"Yeah, right beneath your nose! They'll be here soon, but I have a...job to do."

"Draco, you are no killer," Dumbledore told him softly.

The shock on Draco's face was priceless, "How did you know?"

"I know that you have tried to kill me all year. And you nearly killed both Katie Bell and Ron Weasley in your efforts. I must say those were very feeble attempts, I can only believe that your heart wasn't really in it."

Dumbledore knew as well as I did that Draco didn't want to be doing this, but what choice did he have really, "I've been trying tirelessly the whole year! It doesn't matter, I will end all of this tonight. Expelliarmus!"

He took the wizards wand out of the air. He was looking at the door desperately as if willing something to happen to make him not have to do this, "I see you are waiting for your backup. It seems you are afraid to act without them. You must have realized there are Order members here tonight, they do appear to be putting up a good fight. WHy don't you kill me now, I am undefended afterall."

"I uh-"

"Ah, too scared to act without them here, I see. You were always just a boy Draco. Why don't you tell me about how you snuck them all in here then?"

Draco seemed to be arguing internally but he finally spoke, "I fixed the Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirement. It has a twin in Borgin and Burkes. When I got it working we were finally able to come in here and attack."

"Very intelligent idea," Dumbledore said calmly as if his life wasn't being threatened at the present moment, "However I knew all along that you were doing all this."

"Why didn't you stop me?"

"I was having Severus watch over you," replied Dumbledore.

I snuck a glance at Harry who looked skeptical at best, "No, he told me he promised my mother he would help me!"

I could tell Draco was struggling to tell what was true and what wasn't, "Of course he would say that."

"Snape is on our side you blind old man, he has been this whole time. He has all of you fooled."

I couldn't stop the shock from registering on my face. I knew this day would come, but I hadn't imagined it would come this quickly. Harry looked equally as shocked, but for different reasons.

"Ah, how wrong you are Draco, Severus is, and always has been on the side of the good."

"You are ignorant."

"Do not take that language with me," Dumbledore said.

He had backed up against a wall, and I could tell he was barely supporting himself even with the help of the wall, "You care about me saying that even when I'm about to kill you?"

"I'm afraid I do, you ought to still respect me Draco. As for killing me, it's been several minutes and you still haven't done anything, so I do not think you would kill me."

"I will too!"

"While we are here, let's discuss a few things. We can discuss your options here."

"There are no options. He will kill me if I do not kill you! I need to kill you, or everyone is as good at dead," Draco began to tear up and I wished for nothing more than to go out and give him a hug.

Dumbledore had heard from Severus and I that Draco didn't actually want to do this. He was aware of the circumstances Draco was facing, and I was sure he couldn't take it out on Draco anymore than he would take my circumstances out on me.

"I can help you Draco, you can join us now. You are no killer."

I could see Draco struggling with himself, "I can't do that! He will kill my whole family, and everyone I care about. He has Blake with him! I can't lose them all. I have you at my mercy right now, I will kill you to protect them all."

His voice shook as he spoke, and I knew he didn't really have it in him to kill the old wizard. He also didn't have it in him to turn his back on his whole family. Not if it meant putting them in harm's way. I didn't blame him, and I knew Dumbledore didn't either .You couldn't help who your family was afterall.

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